As an escort, the holidays are one of the busiest times of the year for me. Wondering how it is in your industry / line of work & how do you feel about it.
I’m half-in-office and half-WFH, and this year I’m in the office which sucks. We also don’t get Christmas Eve off. It’s extremely slow. I am hungover and doing (in my opinion) absolutely nothing today, except I have quantifiably done more work than anyone else in my department today.
Next week, I will be “working” from my bed all week, watching stuff with my cats. I am extremely excited.
I used the last of my leave days for the work mandated time off between Christmas and New Years Day. We have plenty, but I used so much for holiday and activism. So I haven’t taken the customary full two weeks off and will be back at the office on 2 Jan. Don’t mind it, I like the quiet office.
It’s slow for the business, but busy for me as I finalize plans for the next year, finish off year end reporting and cover the duties of people who take off for the holidays. So it’s a lot of extra work, usually alone. I usually celebrate it being over with a trip to a sauna.
This year, I get sabbatical and it’s wrapped around the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays.
I’ve been off since 11/15, go back to work 1/2.
Sabbatical? That sounds like a normal holiday. 😵
I got screwed over about vacation in the summer and wasn’t able to go, so I’m taking 3 weeks off.
i am currently unemployed, so it’s rather slow in my industry ;)
if you don’t mind me asking, do people book you in between family festivities? or what kind of customers/jobs keep you busy at this time?
Depends. Currently I’m abroad with a client and his family at his holiday home until January. Him and his wife are together only on paper & he wants company on vacation. Doesn’t date because he wants as little stress and strings + as straightforward as possible. Besides the current situation people tend to have time off, money to spend at the end of the year and the wish to have some fun due to the atmosphere - combine everything and you get a market more active than usual.
Mine is kinda stupid- self employed musician taking two and a half weeks off to be home for Christmas, nye, and my mom’s birthday. November was an excellent month for me, but December was slightly sub par. I’m not gonna starve when I get back, but I’m going to need to hustle like mad.
I work for a school district so I’m off from Dec 20 thru Jan 5, but i don’t get paid for any of it.
I am the chef at a high-end assisted living facility. Before that, I was a caterer. It’s also the busiest time of year for me.
Everyone gets a 2 week break around Christmas and New Years. I work intermittently on stuff that has to get done, like payroll, but otherwise rest and hang out with my family.
Y’all get holidays?
It’s the slowest part of the year. Most people are on holidays including myself. Even better by connecting weekends and public holidays I’ll have a 16 day holiday while spending only 6 days.
Hi, not an escort here but curious.
Why are the holidays busy? Lots of people looking for company?
Or are you a date to family events where SOs are expected but someone doesn’t have one?
The company I work for has few fixed holidays, but lots of discretionary time off, and very little direct customer service, so it’s an individual choice. Many people take the week between Christmas and New Years off. I don’t; I’d rather have extra time off when the weather is warmer and I can play outside.
I’m getting laid off, so using up my “use it or lose it” PTO. Most of my current coworkers take time off, so it’s usually pretty quiet at work anyway.