Any Generators, Power Banks, Solar Panels, etc…?

Edit: So I’m gonna answer my own question. I’ll probably freak out and would have zero generators to deal with it. Heater is Gas, but I don’t know if gas would work during power outage. Cooking, well there’s a butane burner stove. I have 3 10000mah batteries, but they have 60% efficiency due to power loss during transfer, so its effectively 6000mah, enough to roughly charge my 5000mah battery once, 3 batteries is 3-4 charges. Then I’d be bored with zero entertainment, along with all the food melting and going bad, very not fun 🙃

    3 months ago

    I’m living in an apartment on the 8th floor. Heating is geothermal heating (from a big geothermal plant owned by the city I live in). So no heating in winter. My second worry would be the food spoiling in the freezer. I’d probably move everything down into the car to drive to my family’s place (that’s a bit of work, 8th floor, no elevator) and then notice that my car is trapped inside the garage below our apartment block due to the electric garage doors not opening. I’d probably get some help from other people in the house opening them by hand (might involve dismounting of the electronics box).

    In other words, in case of a longer city-wide outage I’m screwed.

    In case it’s a shorter one and my electric window blinds in the bedroom are still closed, I wouldn’t worry and find someone to screw.