One of you moderators locked my post
“Do you feel sick in big stores?”
No explanation offered.

And then you removed one of my replies within that post
“I’m impressed. Most people would hesitate to diagnose a stranger’s experience from a dozen words”
Citing rule 1 (be nice) as the reason.
Sure, it was a bit snarky. But censorship? That’s heavyhanded.
And then you left the 2 replies just after it, straight-up insulting me, alone.

That’s selective enforcement of the rules. That’s a no no.

To the moderator who bravely interfered with my Lemmy experience from the safety of anonymity, offering, at best, nonsense as an excuse, go fuck yourself, anally, with a cheese grater. Do it today.

    3 months ago

    I agree with OP – not liking them is NOT a reason to lock their post.

    “Be nice” shouldn’t be an excuse card that you pull anytime you want to ban or lock a thread without cause. It should be a meaningful rule that makes your members feel safe and comfortable. Using it to cover your ass after doing something you know is wrong is cheap and shitty. Shame on the mod who did this.