I think I know the answer: I’m a failed adult, maybe if was still a teen I could date or get laid, since you don’t need anything to impress or really attract the other sex… As an adult without money, social life and social skills that is unobtainable.

Edit: this is NOT an “asking for advice” post, just answer the question, don’t try to analyse me like a damn specimen.

  • pduddy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Do you want to date or are you feeling like you should at your age? I only ask because I don’t want to make suggestions if deep down you’re happy with your current single status and find enjoyment in other areas of life.

    If you want to date more then I would think there are things that you already do in life now that would be attractive to other people. Not everyone is about money or social status. Many other people are in the same boat and are just looking for companionship or a partner that they can lean on and vice versa.

    Also agreeing to a date is common even before you know a person’s wealth, social status, etc. That’s kind of the point of going on a date is to learn more about the person. So are you having trouble meeting people to even ask to date or are you asking people and not getting a positive response?

    One last thought, you seem a little down on yourself. I could be reading too much into this but I don’t get the impression you feel very confident in your value. You called yourself a failed adult. Thats something others can pick up on and it doesn’t always come across as attractive. If that’s how you truly feel then perhaps you can look at ways to feel better about your value or build up your confidence which will certainly be an attractive quality people will notice.

    I hope this helps. I obviously don’t know you but I know everyone has something to offer. Sometimes you need to look inward and see the value yourself before others may see it.