My dad and maternal grandma died 6 months apart in 2022. Now this bomb dropped.
I don’t know whether there is an English version, but this is very fitting (Mein Stammbaum ist ein Kreis - My ancestry is a circle)
ah yyyyup.
Me too…
I think that makes you your own uncle.
It would certainly raise an eyebrow.
For more reasons than just the obvious ones.
No I don’t want to go into the details of those hypotheticals, thank you.
This in real and you chose to vent by asking strangers online if the would feel “weirded out” if that happened to them.
Right. Besides a hypothetical for people to ponder on it’s also a way for me to get some validation or different views regarding my own feelings. I don’t see the issue
I’ll bite. The elephant in the room is your father and your relationship with all the people involved.
The obvious answer is of course yes. Earth shattering yes. Driven to multiple bankrupcies by therapist bills yes.
I’m not that affected to feel the need to go to therapy. More like taken aback. Not earth shattering shocked.
We have saying that goes (translated) like:
Old barns burn best.
What does this mean?🤯
‘Burn’ = being in love
We have one like that here too but (translated) it goes: the old chicken makes the great sour soup…
We a saying right here in Tennesse. I know we have it in Texas. Probably have it in Tennesse too. Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on…shame…can’t get fooled again!