Thanks, buttpilgrim.
biblically accurate lemon
Mutant lemon. If it tastes good, you should breed it and create a new product ;)
When life gives you eldritch lemons, don’t make eldritch lemonade. Make life take the eldritch lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn eldritch lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give teft eldritch lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna sacrifice your family! With the eldritch lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible eldritch lemon that burns your house down!
Is their backyard in Pripyat?
It’s a keming issue. An o got too close to the l and we ended up with a demon.
Sorry I fuckin lost it at keming
Much like a rat king this should be known as a lemon king
Or Earl of Lemongrab
A Lemperor
I’m no lemonoligist but it looks like it could maybe be a very severe case of Citrus Bud Mites:
Does look kind of similar doesn’t it.
“Normal” lemons are mutants. They’re a hybrid of two different Citrus species, citron and bitter orange, that both look weirder than lemons. In fact, one variety of citron, Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis, is nicknamed “Buddha’s hand” and looks like this:
So what it appears (to me, at least, as someone who isn’t a biologist or citrus expert) is that that lemon happened to mutate again in such a way that it started partially expressing an ancestral form.
That’s a goddamn shuttlecock
I think you’re lying. I think you are a biologist or at least a citrus expert! Liar!
WHATI have given you the label “lemon fact guy”. Wear it with pride because I mean it well. Thanks for sharing your lemon knowledge
The all-skin lemon
I just looked up what these look like on the inside and am quite disappointed
partially expressing an ancestral form
This is just sciency words for eldritch horror
Could also be a way of calling someone a monkey.
“Looks like you’re partially expressing an ancestral form!”
Pretty sure it’s just fasciation. It’s usually rare so it tends to make them fairly valuable.
How can I unsubscribe from Lemon Facts?
Life will give you lemons wheter you want it or not. There’s no unsubscribing.
I don’t know when it’s gonna be and I don’t make any promises, but one day you’ll be browsing Lemmy minding your own business, and – BAM! – lemon fact. There’s nothing you can do about it.
(…Well, except maybe staying away from topics in which it would be relevant to post facts about lemons. That’d probably work.)
one day you’ll be browsing Lemmy minding your own business, and – BAM! – lemon fact.
When life gives you lemons, have a lemon party.
Can you give more your subscription? I’d like more Lemon Facts.
Lemon of the Crucible
Equip to make lemonade.
A vestige of the crucible of primordial life. Born partially of devolution, it was considered a signifier of the divine in ancient times, but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced.
Lemon flavoured tree cancer
When life gives you lemons…
Demand to see life’s manager.
I think that’s Hermaeus Mora