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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Appeal to tradition bias?

    Yes. Turns out languages work by saying things the same way somebody else said them before.

    My point isn’t that there can’t be a reason to change. My point is calling ‘he’ out as implying misogyny on the part of the author is ridiculous, and fussing over changing it is, in this situation, in my opinion, petty.

    So is singular ‘they’.

    Indeed. Some English contexts are used to defaulting to ‘he’ for ungendered animate; some to ‘they’. Neither necessitates an egregious humanitarian wrong.

    The rest of your post is just a slippery slope argument.

    I did get facetious toward the end. If you like, you don’t have to build your life philosophy on the foundation of the logical integrity of my closing paragraph. Up to you.

  • It does seem to me that complaining about gendered language in source code is about as stupid as a moral panic over daemons in systemd, or vulgarities in source code comments. There is some place for it… but not much

    On top of that, ‘he’/etc has been effectively gender ambivalent for a long time. I understand the desire to change that, but it’s still a normal thing in English language. Similar to ‘master’ in git repositories and IDE connections, though those are both much more recent and arguably referencing much worse.

    If a dev insists on ‘she’ everywhere, or ‘they’ in places that read awkwardly, should we flame and blame? In fact, why not go and convince Firefox to use exclusively feminine language in their source, to balance things out. It sounds more sensible than taking up a political fight over this!

    Also while you’re at it, ethical hacking is now done only by natural-human-skin-colour-hat hackers; background process on your computer are called abstract beings; your computer does not boot[strap], (‘pull itself up by its bootstraps’), it has affirmative action from the motherboard to get it started; and when I saw the article headline, I thought the issue would be bigger … that’s what they said.

  • My favourite black hole fact, coming from the character of the space-time tensor and how it changes, is that as you approach a black hole, time goes sideways.

    I don’t think my lecturer put it quite that way, but he showed that as you get close, the time dimension comes to look like a space dimension in the tensor, and the space dimension that points into the black hole, looks like a time dimension!

  • If taking Cybertruck to an automatic car wash is necessary, Car Wash Mode closes all windows, locks the charge port, and disables windshield wipers, Sentry Mode, and walk-away door locking.

    Doesn’t seem too stupid to me. The rest of your link looks mild enough too, just don’t use anything harsh on your exterior or the steel won’t look its best any more.

    Then again, I forget the sort of rich person who buys a Tesla is also probably the sort of person who cries if it doesn’t look brand new every day, so yeah - sneeze and your beloved car is irrevocably besmirched.

  • How did Arch get this bad rep?

    Because so many people love it and make a point of its ‘brilliance’, so it’s funny to take it down a peg.

    Myself, long ago, I moved from Arch to Ubuntu partly for ease of downloads on bad internet in Asia (in-country package mirror, and obviously less downloads overall); and partly because I didn’t want my time and mental energy to be ‘on call’ for a random breakage from an upgrade. Breakages were occasional for me, and normally easily fixable, but took immediate time and effort.

    I still think Arch is great, but I’ve got through some distro hops to end up currently on Mint, from wanting stability + a couple of binaries that are published for Ubuntu and not other distros.

    Was tempted by NixOS or Guix, but… not just yet.

  • First one that got me was the black hole. If I dig a hole in the ground, is that not really a hole? If I find a hole in your logic is that not a hole? If I model the flow of charge with positive ‘holes’ between electrons, are they not holes? And… do people really commonly think a ‘black hole’ is a traditional sort of hole? ‘Hole’ seems a perfectly reasonable name for what it really is.

    Now what a black hole really is is fascinating stuff, but not in a “see, people are so ignorant to think it’s a hole” kind of way.