• StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    3 days ago

    It sounds foul and mean, but you must do the occasionally violence to protect yourself: see if you can collect a lot of melbcat’s dirty litter and rub it into and pour it over that bench.

    Go one step further if you have multiple litter trays and leave one without cleaning it for a while, let the piss and shit rot a bit, and then smear it on the bench (gloves and mask for your own protection).

    Alternatively, see about adding those detestable “anti-homeless” spikes as well, but that may stray too close to vandalism.

    If possible, see if you can sleep in another room, and leave some abominable no-beat-or-rhythm jazz or Enya playing loudly at the window closest to the bench.

    Call the po po and say your mental health is declining due to this man and you fear for your life and the lives of your neighbours, due to the lit cigarettes and dry vegetation. Blast him on your NextDoor app, FB suburb groups, and say you live in fear and perhaps some ballsy vigilante might intimidate him. Write to your local member and emphasis the danger of the ciggies and vegetation so close to local families and children.

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      3 days ago

      Ha… the po po dun care. They seriously don’t. They have let so so so much worse than this slide. I won’t go into it but the cops and the justice system are absolutely fucked.

      It seems that to protect myself I must become what I hate… a Karen. :( And morally it is a big deal to me. Normally I’m on the side of the homeless and opposed to hostile architecture.


      I considered bleach, orange cleaner, liquid ass, and the cat poo is another good idea… but I don’t want to make him sick or ruin his clothes. I just want him to not do the damn things.

      I tried to see if I could find one of those bolt on armrests that go in the middle of the bench but they don’t seem to be sold in Australia.

      I’m looking at a solar powered floodlight that goes on with motion sensors but will have to work out how to attach it up high without it being a “fixture”. (Which could get me in trouble or evicted.)

      • Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone
        3 days ago

        How far are you willing to go? Because I’ve seen someone super glue bits of broken glass bottle to a fence to stop people from climbing over.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        3 days ago

        Liquid poo and cat poo. I WOULDNT worry about his clothes at this point, if he is so mentally gone his clothes are the least of his worries. He’ll be more concerned with the stank. It needs to be something that is so repulsive that that bench is no longer a good place to stay. When they are that far gone, and the po po won’t do anything, then yes, go full Karen:

        • local council member AND their oppositions
        • social media groups for your suburb/council areas
        • flood lights motion sensor
        • something so stanky and repulsive

        The flood lights is a good idea, and it can be attached “temporarily” without being a “fixture” - as in it can be and will be removed during inspections 😉

        The actions taken need to make that bench a very very undesirable spot for him - go full scorched earth

        If you are worried about getting in trouble, DM me and I’ll bring my cats shit and piss and do it for you. I’m serious, I don’t give a shit and will travel across Melbourne to make this better for you. I’ll buy the liquid shit on my own card and do that too. You shouldn’t have to put up with his shenanigans, with everything else you have going on.

        He is choosing not to engage with welfare and help, so he has lost sympathy with me

        • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
          3 days ago

          I’ve got an actually evil neighbour who will take pictures and complain. She’s almost had me evicted for installing security cameras before, and I was denied permission for cat proofing because she’d complain, so yeah. Situation here is fucked.

          I hoped these high conflict people would end up fighting each other but so far no luck.

          If I had the financial security I’d be out of this godforsaken shithole years ago. It’s complicated

            • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
              3 days ago

              You don’t want to get into it. She starts physical confrontations and then plays victim, often successfully. I said Karen but that’s only now she’s come to some attention and dialed it back - I should have said Methany.