• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • Everything with your name on it and everything you paid money for, you must either give away for free or dismantle and destroy it to save the earth.

    They get to keep their houses and their tecgnology necause they know better, so they need private jets to get their message out and teach humanity how to give up electricity and give up choices of food and live where they say and eat what they tell you is good for the planet for you to eat. If you’re worried about things like protein, you can eat all of the bugs you want,but no animals allowed like beef and chicken.

  • Because global warming propagandists want humanity to give up modern life, want humanity to abandon technology, like in the modern version of a mud hut, while the people pushing the global warming message get to own the luxeries and build their wealth while humanity owns nothing and has nothing, and go back to a living like 500 years ago in the name of stopping global warming. And it’s fine for them if a few million lives are sacrificed to help the earth.

  • In a communist system there is no such thing as private property. Nobody anywhere owns their own house. There are zero businesses because that is private.

    In a communist system the government assigns where you will live, you never look for a place to live. Government tells you which town you will live and which property to live. If you don’t like the housing that government provides for you, the government does not have to keep you alive if that would be easier for you.

  • Ads on a login screen? That’s disturbing.

    For people automatically saying to switch to Linux, it’s because they have never had a job in tech to know it doesn’t work that way, and have never worked in production. There are several industries where if you don’t run Windows you can’t have a job because all of the software is only designed to run on Windows in their industry.

  • Veganism is an opinion or philosophy, it does not come from any doctrinal teachings with historical writings to count as a belief system on the same level as someone who can only eat certified kosher food.

    Being vegan is recent fad or trendy thing from the perspective of world history. Nutritionally, veganism is not healthy without an extensive amount of supplements. Before corporations could manufacture suppliments, everybody needed to eat a few animal products for basic health. In there West though, there is definitely way too much consumption of meat but pescatarian is very healthy.

  • If you are happy to pay taxes for the betterment of others, you could can also give your money to individuals, you can enroll in donating to charities, and you can buy things and give tem away. It is no different than you pay taxes, so politicians vote themselves a pay raise and more benefits paid for by your taxes. Ifyou buy things and give them away, it’s no different than your tax money being used to pay for something and give to whoever needs it.

    If you want to pay more to help people then start giving away your cash to anyone it can help, donate your money to organization. If you believe taxes are too low, you can give away your money to anyone you want to make up for it.