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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2020

  • For what it’s worth the new GPU is a decent upgrade and it will support that PSSR AI upscaling tech they’ve been working on. I still don’t think it’s worth it, especially if you already have a PS5 or a relatively modern PC. This seems more aimed at people who have an outdated PC and haven’t bought a current gen console yet.

    The price is still nuts, though. I would be interested to see how well it sells because with everything being so damn expensive now I would imagine not many people are racing to spend $700 on a console (with only one game included lol).

  • I mentioned something similar in another thread here but the “git gud” fans are probably the worst consequence of fromsoft’s games gaining popularity. Basing a large part of their personality on “I can beat this (perceived) difficult game and anyone who can’t is trash” is just so pathetic. My 12-year-old nephew can beat these games so bragging that you can do something a pre-teen can is so weird. It’s to the point that I actively avoid any kind of souls game community because interacting with them is so off-putting.

  • roughly a month after the game came out someone on r/eldenring posted a thread titled something like “what do you not like about the game?” I made a comment saying kinda the same thing as you: I thought making it open world was a mistake because now there are just large areas filled with nothing particularly interesting, tons of duplicate enemies (and bosses!) and due to the nature of its open world it’s super easy to miss important NPCs, sometimes permanently because you unknowingly triggered something on the other side of the map. The last time I checked my comment had like over 70 downvotes with a ton of people replying with some variation of the extremely tired “git gud” (even though I’ve beaten literally every other souls game solo; Fromsoft fans who base their personality around “I good at hard game” are some of the most insufferable people in this hobby).

    The parts of the game I really liked were the legacy dungeons. I thought to myself “I wish this game was just entirely legacy dungeons instead of this open world stuff” and after a while I realized I was just describing their older games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Sekiro.

    Idk what point I’m even trying to make here other than you are not alone in being a bit disappointed in the game. I still don’t understand all the “this is the best game From has ever made” praise because I think their older games, while not having as much content, easily outclass it in focused design. I hope their next project isn’t open world but seeing as how they just announced the game sold over 25 million copies I’m guessing it probably will be 😑. Also I just realized this thread is 10 days old but I’m gonna post this anyway

  • Shortly after 9/11 I was seeing bumper stickers on cars that said “MUSLIM HUNTING PERMIT” with a picture of crosshairs over a brown guy wearing a turban. I also remember watching the news in 2003 which had a live feed from a US tank invading Iraq in real-time, and the news anchors were excitedly talking about how cool it was and how brave our soldiers were. Even at the time I was thinking “this is fucked”