I’ll be the American in the fourth panel of that We’re the Millers meme.
You guys have minimum standards?
I’ll be the American in the fourth panel of that We’re the Millers meme.
You guys have minimum standards?
Tesla and Shitter can both fail and he’ll still be fine as long as they get Starship working reliably. Kessler Syndrome is probably the only move left that he’s afraid of.
People who stand in the way of this type of thing are be risking jail and death.
The US will honor treaties when they are politically or economically advantageous to the leadership at the time. Everything else is up for negotiation. At the end of the barrel of a gun.
If you give some rich people a butt load of money they will tell a judge that the wind is the real culprit here. The blame truly belongs to a butterfly. If you give that judge some fancy rich people trips, they’ll agree and that’s perfectly legal and perfectly fine. If anything, noticing it and making the judge feel bad about it is the problem that really needs to be addressed.
Don’t they have paid firefighters for the rich and volunteers for everyone else? I think I remember hearing about Oprah’s property being protected first when Hawaii was burning last. I would expect something similar in California. Money talks.
We should have a code word or something. I’m thinking
Lemmy outta here!
I’ll continue not playing the game I’ve never played before. I’m doing my part!
So it says that instead of doubling capacity, which we did, we should have tripled capacity, when instead we developed more solar, because it was cheaper, and therefore more to efficienct. Personally, I’m glad to see we doubled wind capacity, and spent money more efficiently on solar. I don’t understand why everything has to be framed as a negative. I think I used too many commas in that first sentence but I’m sticking with it. Honestly, you guys are lucky I’m proofreading at all.
Now do the corporations.
It’s all media silos.Take the money out of news. Implement a fairness doctrine for the Information Age.
He just caught a scratch. Holding up his arm isn’t the smart thing to do but that just makes it more authentic.
Maybe we can recover some of those Secret Service texts that all got mysteriously vanished after January 6th.
I don’t understand why using AI is what makes this illegal. I don’t know the laws in Spain, but would it be illegal if they used a pencil or a paint brush? Seems like a weird line to draw if not.
We have that in the states too but they show the same commercials in every commercial break. They are so repetitive, I can barely get through a single episode.
That is the least informative article I have read. We’re all dumber for having read it.
From the people that brought you Fake News, we now present… Fake School.
I think the frequency of deaths after infection would need to be an order of magnitude higher to move the needle on preventative measures. People just assume it won’t effect them when 199 out of 200 people survive.
Super surprised to see Publix leading this list.