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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I think when I messed it up, it worked when I tried switching to the proprietary drivers for the second time. I think you can try that without much risk.

    In my case I ended up disabling Secure Boot anyway because it just got too annoying (a BIOS update breaking it was the final straw for me). The security benefit after you’ve enrolled a MOK seems dubious anyway. It would be nice if distros could ship signed kernels with the open-source Nvidia driver but I guess that’s not happening.

  • I’ve also recently built my own NAS and I’ve gone through similar considerations. One of my mayor decisions was not to use btrfs because it’s not recommended for Raid Z1/Raid 5. With that, I landed on ZFS and TrueNAS Scale. Note that RAID expansion should be landing in both very soon.

    Things with TrueNAS were pretty easy, very quick, and everything worked nicely. However, I noticed that it was constantly accessing the disks and preventing them from spinning down. I really wanted to keep the power consumption low (<20 W idle), so I eventually decided to just go with Vanilla Debian + ZFS. I can recommend that if you want to tinker with things yourself. Otherwise, I’d recommend TrueNAS Scale.

    As for migration, you might be able to create a degraded pool initially, copy over the data, and add the parity disk last. Raid expansion would ofc also help there…

  • Jeder der nicht exakt der gleichen Meinung ist sofort ein Atomtroll?

    Ich würde den Atomausstieg nicht auf ein Einziges Jahr beziehen, sondern auf einen Prozess der gut 20 Jahre gedauert hat. Wikipedia scheint das ähnlich zu sehen:

    In Deutschland begann der Atomausstieg unter der ersten rot-grünen Bundesregierung (Kabinett Schröder I) mit der „Vereinbarung zwischen der Bundesregierung und den Energieversorgungsunternehmen vom 14. Juni 2000“. 2002 wurde der Vertrag („Atomkonsens“) durch Novellierung des Atomgesetzes rechtlich abgesichert.[120] In der Folge wurden am 14. November 2003 das Kernkraftwerk Stade (640 MW)[121] und am 11. Mai 2005 das Kernkraftwerk Obrigheim (340 MW)[122] endgültig abgeschaltet.

  • I understood Matthew’s position as “this should be discussed in the Workstation WG first”, not as a “no”:

    in favor of the process outlined above (tl;dr: talk to the Workstation WG, and if that does not come to a satisfying outcome, file a Council ticket for next possibilities).


    It also seemed more likely that they would promote KDE without demoting Gnome.

    But was there a follow-up on that (e.g. in the Workstation WG)?