Name and shame the brand!
I am also @[email protected]
Name and shame the brand!
This should be a Venn diagram with zero overlap, lol
Maplibre ( offers a beautiful open source solution. There are affordable open source solutions for OSM base maps too (, where you can host the whole thing as a single static file.
No one should be paying Google per API key :)
Be thankful you have a button and don’t need to navigate through 3 levels of touchscreen menus to get to the option.
Yup. If source is not available I’m not using it if I have any choice in the matter. Binary distribution is nice, but I’d rather have source.
Plus I’m sure some kind soul has created a build pipeline that autogenerates binaries from the source. I can always either use that or clone and customize it. It’s a natural separation—as a dev I’d like my responsibility to end at “I merged working code to trunk”.
Uhh he should know all the Elite hackers call it Tracer-T
Remember this blast from the past?
I’m in the US. 90% of devs I work with write it in ISO 8601 anyways, even in emails or chats. Not only does it make sense, it also sorts logically and is more searchable (eg 2024-11-*).
My point was not that X would be able to do something about this, but that it is not a source of breaking news, and fundamentally not a replacement for journalism…and should not be used as such.
The original post has 58k views, the correct information has 2k. That is the level of efficiency that site has in disseminating correct information.
Those mega corporations have intentionally misused the term “algorithm” which implies an unbiased method of ranking or sorting. What they are actually using is more like a human curated list of items to promote that supports their self serving goals.
There are public utilities in the US. And yes, they offer better service and lower costs than the competing private utilities.
I didn’t know about the benefits until I moved somewhere served by them. I think we would have more of them if people could see the benefits, but unfortunately the utilities you have access to are limited by where you live.
Same. It is after all their own time they are wasting, so whatever. I get paid either way.
Check out
He has made a vise from a screw jack, and has some videos of it in action.
While I’ve not built his vise, I have roughly followed his instructions for other projects, and I think he really suggests things that actually work (not just “content”)