• 2 Posts
Joined elva månader sedan
Cake day: 19 augusti 2023

  • Death is an integral part of life.

    You can argue, because the concept and notion of consent is exists and is understanble by us, humans, we are burdened with the task of safeguarding those who can not understand it.

    Many die, unwillingly, unknown, unnamed, for others to live. It’s an unchanging law of nature.

    We can and should, are morally obligated to, curtail the cruelty that still holds our reality together. It is wrong but exists and, to a degree, is necessary as reality exists today.

  • Both occurr.

    There are experimental medication trials with volunteer human subjects, often people in a situation where they have nothing to lose and whatever small contribute they may give to advance knowledge on a given field may very well be their last (or only) act of compassion towards others.

    Make-up and so called beauty products can and should be tested on humans alone. But medications and other alike present too much of an unknown outcome to test outright on humans. Too many could die before any good data could be gathered to improve whatever is being developed, which would render most research undoable.

    Animal testing is, as we stand, a necessary evil we must all carry with us. Let us hope we find a way to end this in a very near future.

  • Yes, lets forbid people that still strive for self sustenance, with small scale farming and animal rearing, to make an independent living.

    Get your head out of your ass for a moment and when the oxygen rushes back to your brain realize animals are much more than meat and are an integral part of well managed and sustainable systems.

    Animals make use of crops by-products otherwise wasted, manage vegetation and provide fertilizers, just off the top of my head.

    And there are regions where no suitable crops can be planted and instead animals are the only means of survival and sustenance for people.

    Back off and let people live.

    There are better hills to die on than to persecute traditional farming.

  • This picture is incomplete.

    You need another guy on the ledt side, just casually watching as the others fight. That’s Debian.

    The poor dude being shoved into the locker is Suse.

    The bully is Ubuntu.

    Now we need a bigger guy behind the bully, waiting to get his hands on the bully. That will be RedHat.

    Arch will be behind RedHat, getting ready to punch him in the face.

    Gentoo will be right behind Arch, laughing like a maniac at the carnage unfolding.

    And to the far right side of the picture you get to see this underrated guy, just shrugging his shoulders. That’s LFS.

  • qyron@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlKeep on truckin’
    elva månader sedan

    What if - and this is a BIG if - this person was actually telling the truth?

    Let’s imagine that JC Sandals decided it was time to come back to Earth and take a look around. No intervention, no preaching, no nothing. Just sight seeing and talking to random people.

    So JC is somewhere in the US (it is a predominently christian country), travelling the land, hitch hiking to get to places.

    Then one day this person just sees this figure walking along the side of the road - long hair, big fuzzy beard, sun bleached Converse All Stars, ratty jeans, a loose t-shirt (perhaps an old, baggy one, with the Master of Puppets stampet on the front) and lets add a beat up military style jacket and a scuffed backpack to finish the look.

    So we have our trucker see this figure and outn of nothing he decides to stop and give him a lift. They go through the motions - "hey, wanna a lift? where are ya headin’? / “that would be nice” “I don’t really care, I’m just going about for myself” - JC hops onto the big rig and off they go.

    After the initial uncomfortable minutes they eventually strike up a conversation, just small talk at first - where they have been, where they are going, the road - and at some point our trucker just lets out he feels alone when doing those long hauls but the good book always gives him strenght to carry on and protects him and helps him go back home safely. And he’s sincere in his words. JC just listens and nods.

    At some point, JC questions our beloved trucker what is his favorite passage or verse on the whole book and our friend happily replies and there is true engagement in the conversation. JC shares some insights and remarks our trucker never considered about the book, some perhaps absolutely against his beliefs, which somewhat aggravates our pour soul trucker. Untill at some point he just can’t stand it anymore and falls silent. He wants, needs, to get rid of this strange hitch hiker, and his strange demeanor.

    So our trucker announces he’s going to stop to refuel and if that destination is good for his passenger. And JC replies it’s just fine. And then of the blue, JC stares at our poor trucker and says.

    “I can see your a good man, so I’m going to take care of that for you.”

    And our trucker miraculously sees the fuel gauge pump up. Now he’s scared. There is something with this man. His throat closes, his heart races.

    “Can you pull up here, please? Right here.”

    And our trucker watches as his hands steer the truck to the side of the road, pulls up and puts it into neutral. JC thanks the poor man, about to crap his pants, opens the door and he is just about to get off the truck:

    “You have your bible on hand? Nevermind that, I’ll give you mine.”

    Then out of his side pocket, JC pulls out THE BOOK, this huge full size copy, smiles at the trucker, pulls the cover to the side, signs it, as we see on the picture, with the dedication and throws it onto the passenger seat.

    “Nobody will ever believe you.”

    JC lets out a laugh and throws the door shut.

    And nobody believes.

  • qyron@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlDefediverse
    elva månader sedan

    It’s intriguing how everyone that views themselves as moderates/liberals forget (or are unacquainted with it) about the paradox of tolerance.

    Tolerance implies everyone has a right to express their ideas and you want that. You want everything out in the open, so you can pick at it, dismantle it and render it pitiful, ridiculous and useless.

    You want the intolerant crying out loud that you are intolerant as that means you are doing the right thing. The intolerant want silence, forced, while the tolerant want noise, anger, tension.

    Remember that anything worthwhile needs to be fought for. Don’t regret being vocal and harsh towards intolerance.