• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • phx@lemmy.catoCanada@lemmy.caHappy Canada Day
    2 days ago

    Thanks for this.

    We’re all Canadians, and your family would trace back among of the originals in this country. It’s sad that people would think anyone lesser for it, but that says more about them - the ones that need to stand on others to feel big themselves - than your family or heritage. While there will always be those types, I hope the years ahead see them as the minority so the rest of us can help each other make this country a place we’re all proud to call home.

  • I’ve been in several stratas including multiple councils, and seen several taken to the courts part bullshit bylaws and lose. One strata actually tried to restrict people’s ability to have a non-married partner overnight. That… did not go over well as it became obvious that the real target was senior members intent on driving out younger residents, as well as a bit of power-tripping.

    By that same notion, yeah they can absolutely fine somebody for damage to common property etc during installation, and I’ve seen that happen (i.e. one resident knocked bricks out of they chimney to side-vent a gas-fireplace install) but an outright ban on AC installs when we’re seeing growing heatwaves could likely see a successful challenge for personal health and safety reasons among others. Just depends on whether the resident has the time and resources to fight it.

  • A is much less of a pain than C. At least in most cases the plug pinches into the outlet and stays in place.

    I’ve used C while traveling for my charger and The weight of a few cords wants to drag that fucker out every time.

    Also worth noting that A can come in the polarized (one plug slightly larger, fits one way) or non-polarised (doesn’t matter) variety.

  • Yeah, no. Has Russia taken a lot of fatalities? Yeah. But they’re also a huge country and a lot of what they’ve “lost” has to some extent areas where they’d consider the population expendable.

    The thing is, while NATO etc bicker about supplying Ukraine - while fighting against internal sabotage by Russia’s unspoken allies - they’ve been actively working on a functional war-economy and production, as well as arrangements with regimes such as Iran etc.

    The West has this far been in the “send some older hardware but only for defence” mode, which is just recently, slowly turning around. Committing actual troops to war is not so much, and the militaries of many members have been grossly neglected for decades. Russia continues to push the line of “you don’t want nuclear war, do you?” while also actively preparing for a larger scale conflict and pushing boundaries They, and China, Iran etc have also been increasingly active in technological/cyber attacks. Eventually, I fully expect them to go for broke. This probably won’t actually start at another invasion but rather as increasing/coordinated infrastructure attacks on infrastructure and technology.