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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Make the children internet token based for kids, use a yubikey or something (no password to learn), and leave the regular internet as is. Make ISPs provide families with kids access to both, either via subnet or dedicated hardware.

    From there just have policy to not give the unrestricted network access to kids. Aka parenting. Public institutions like libraries can have most open terminals on the “safenet” and limited public access to the unfiltered net.

    For a “poor man’s version” of this concept, you could do a pi-hole sub-network for home use, but the internet elsewhere is still the internet.

    That’s one possible idea anyways, and a damn sight better than porn credits.

  • Even this method is overreach: who control the database?

    Journalist have a scoop on a US violation of civil rights? Well not if it is important to the CIA who slipped the PDF that was their evidence into the hash pool and had his phone silently rat him out as the one reporting.

    This hands ungodly power to those running that database. It’s blind, and it “only flags the bad things”. Which we all agree CSAM is bad, but I can easily ruin someone inconvenient to me if I was in that position by just ensuring some of his personal and unique photo get into the hash. It’s a one way process, so everyone would just believe definitively that this radical MLK guy is a horrible pedo because we got some images off his phone in a diner.

  • According to Qualcomm it would. It’s extremely Early days in this, but the claims from MS and Qualcomm indicate ARM x86 emulation being quite good, faster in some cases. MS is throwing a lot of weight behind their “Prism” x86 to ARM instruction mapper/translator. And without adding much in the way of power draw.

    I’m not gonna pretend you can believe marketing bullshit, but there is definitely at least some real development happening here. And if you paired the newest Qualcomm chips with a chip like the Tegra, you could have some amazingly battery life.

    So it’s no guarentee, but it’s a huge development happening that at the very is going to shake things up even if it doesn’t make a direct impact in the end.