the problem is that you post things here, though i guess that by the time i’m commenting it has been alleviated.
the problem is that you post things here, though i guess that by the time i’m commenting it has been alleviated.
precisely my point.
tbh i would not call richard hanania “an ex-white nationalist”; he’s a white supremacist through and through and never stopped, also, freddie deboer is as far to the left as the late unlamented gregor strasser, and probably much less.
and even with these caveats, it’s a pretty damning piece, even if every other careful reader is probably aware that siskind engages in whitewashing scientific racism and white supremacy for fucking decades.
thank you, that’s perfectly awful :-)
wanted to emulate bene gesserit, ended doing bene tleilax
so the official reply is that mod got bored, and also was asked to re-open. which is, of course, fine.
and to be clear
nah, i’m not going back where i’m clearly not wanted; the mods can take care of this themselves.
It has no reach. Sorry. I myself go there every few weeks to check last threads, but becoming insular autistic circlejrk circlejerking over other autist made it intellectualy impotent, sorry.
it was always a risk; questioning someone’s integrity, be it directly or indirectly, is rarely welcomed.
not only the thread is closed, i was banned for asking that question:
transcript follows:
Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/SneerClub because you broke this community’s rules. You won’t be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.
Note from the moderators:
There, the sub is dead again (for you).
If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.
yet another programmer who imagines that having computer science baccalaureate gives him an insight into human biology. sigh.
in a typical reddit fashion the post is getting downvotes despite just asking the obvious question.
i have a reading account for when i need to read reddit via logged-in account, so i went and asked.
such an excellent nazi bar they have there.
also, to some extent, poul anderson’s war of the wing-men.
it’s good the rats can’t help themselves but to brag about what they’re doing – in at least three different public places.
no, no, it’s fine. the less readable they are, the better.
well, what gives. who could’ve expected that tracing woodbins is a liar, and a scoundrel.
it’s a bloody biweekly caliper gentlemen’s club meeting in the replies there