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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • What of the sources he is less favorably inclined towards? Unsurprisingly, he dismisses far-right websites like Taki’s Magazine (“Terrible source that shouldn’t be used for anything, except limited primary source use.”) and Unz (“There is no way in which using this source is good for Wikipedia.”) in a virtually unanimous chorus with other editors. It’s more fruitful to examine his approach to more moderate or “heterodox” websites.

    wait sorry hold on

    in a virtually unanimous chorus with other editors

    so what is the entire point of singling out Gerard for this, if the overwhelming majority of people already agree that far-right “news” sites like the examples given are full of garbage and shouldn’t be cited?

    Note: I am closer to this story than to many of my others

    ahhhhhhh David made fun of some rationalist you like once and in turn you’ve elevated him to the Ubermensch of Woke, didn’t you

  • i started to read and just about choked when i got here

    Why did evolution give most males so much testosterone instead of making low-T nerds? Obviously testosterone makes you horny and buff. But I think there is a second reason: you might kill yourself without it. Trans women have high suicide rates.

    congrats on the most baffling, condescending explanation for the epidemic of suicidality among trans women. silly transes, it’s not the persistent and systemic transphobia that makes you want to kill yourself, it’s actually the fact that you have lower testosterone now. it’s just science! wait what? “trans men have high rates of suicide too”? nah probably not

    Anecdotally, my smartest oldest brother had low sex-drive and small muscles and killed himself. Eliezer’s brother killed himself [citation needed] and if he was like Eliezer then he probably had low-T. My low-T nerd friends seemed kinda suicidal sometimes.

    it was gross enough to watch this person try to prop up dead trans people to prove their point but even more bizarre to watch them do the same for their own older brother. not gonna even comment on the retroactive diagnoses based on “had small muscles” and “seemed suicidal to me”

    and later in the footnotes

    Nobody in the comments has presented any first-hand counter-evidence.

    “nobody proved me wrong yet” is peak crank

  • You’re implicitly accepting that eventually AI will be better than you once it gets “good enough”. […] Only no, that’s not how it’s likely to go.

    wait hold on. hold on for just a moment, and this is important:

    Only no, that’s not how it’s likely to go.

    i regret to inform you that thinking there’s even a possibility of an LLM being better than people is actively buying into the sci-fi narrative

    well, except maybe generating bullshit at breakneck speeds. so as long as we aren’t living in a society based on bullshit we should be goo–… oh fuck