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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is the format collision discussion that has no solution so far. A tablet that runs windows is counted as Windows. A laptop that runs android does not. Neither does an android cellphone. It all boils down to web browser user agent fuckery. This is why steam’s numbers are more reliable than other sources, they’re direct hardware surveys.

    But the point is that a steam deck is not (but in a way it is basically just) a PC. There are tablets than run desktop interfaces and now there are laptops that can be used as tablet. Eventually the artificial mobile vs. PC/desktop/laptop schism will stop making sense.

  • Almost all anti-cheats work on linux or offer linux integration or builds. It’s the scummy unethical publishers who run the typical games that uses anti-cheat who refuse to pay engineers to make the minimum effort to support linux. Because it would undermine some of their bullshit claims used to manipulate their players. Fortunately for some people like myself, the typical game that requires anti-cheat is not a game they would want to play anyways.

  • People would rather have a filthy body than touch their own bumhole. I don’t get it, it is your own body, what is so icky when you are in the process of cleaning it? Would you rather live with a stinking baby with a dirty diaper, or change the diaper and have a clean space? Same thing, just deal with the thing asap and be done with it. This is why we invented soap. I swear to god this is same people who would scratch their navel then smell their fingers, or would eat earwax, but won’t touch their bums in a shower because it is gay. Guys would decry bidets but then go eat ass and pussy without a hint of self-awareness.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    10 days ago

    A good friend liked to go to these kind of rhetorical legal battles with the school and the dress code. It was hilarious. She used neon green hair for three months due to a weird wording on some rule or another about colored hair. Then they would change it to something more restrictive but she would find the loopholes and challenge them again. She once got us to loan her our watches and wore over 20 wrist watches due to a stupid rule about bracelets. Wore all sorts of ridiculous clothes colors and patterns, and queues, horns and bunny ears. Went as a clown when they tried to regulate makeup. After two years of madness the school board called her to negotiate a truce. They removed the ancillary dress code, uniform was still mandatory but anything beyond the basic four pieces of clothing students would be free as long as it wasn’t nudity or disrupted other students. Skirts were made optional, the origin of the whole conflict. In return she was just asked to stop trying to give the poor principal a heart attack.

    She still wore colorful stuff and accessories after that. But at least she wasn’t in heated arguments during detention everyday anymore. She wanted to abolish uniform altogether but in a way she sort of won.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoLinux Gaming@lemmy.worldSorry I can't do it.
    14 days ago

    All distro’s differences come down to how the chain of utilities is stringed up together. You have:

    • Bootloader
    • Kernel
    • Init and service daemons
    • Package manager
    • Display server
    • Window manager
    • Widget toolkit
    • Desktop environment
    • User applications

    And a whole lot of in-between. Essentially Fedora and Debian each have defined and originated a set of core software that work as standards for the first 4 parts of this chain. Arch is another, even on pure Arch a wizard installer has to deal with those in order to set up a properly working system. For some, those are the most technical and difficult parts of setting up and designing an OS. Then every distro is a variation on the rest of the chain or customizations on the first few parts, but almost always based on one of the —current— three standards.

    There are also philosophical differences that drive technical decisions in the background. Favoring one way of doing things over the other. Debian is usually focused on stability, reliability, security, function over form. Arch is usually about the bleeding edge, speed, max efficiency, innovation, customization, user freedom. Fedora is pragmatic and down to earth, compromising between the two and focused on smooth user experience. Usually different distros will provide some variation or adaptation on those themes. Like making Debian more corporate, or updated, or making Arch easier to install, or making Fedora but optimized for gaming, etc.

  • I think this isn’t addressed to people with mental illness. It’s more of a general mental health awareness education. I worked therapy sessions and you’d be shocked by the amount of people with truly atrocious coping mechanisms because they didn’t receive healthy emotional education.

    Playing video games for hours without rests, bathroom or stretch breaks. Self medicating, alcohol abuse, binging junk food at 3 am, etc. This people didn’t have a mental illness that I could diagnose directly. Usually they were just overwhelmed by life circumstances. But they were spiraling downwards because of their habits and beliefs on how to deal with the stresses of life.

    We did something called mental health hygiene. And they were things just like these. Not just knowing about them, but switching attitudes and habits around them. There’s so much people that aren’t capable of identifying emotions and needs that we even give them names. People who get hangry are individuals who are easily irritated who can’t identify their hunger and it makes them reactive with aggression to almost any social stimulus. That’s not a mental illness, it is just bad mental health hygiene.

    Saying to such a person “hey, I think you’re hungry and that’s making you angry and aggressive, go eat” sounds stupidly obvious. But for the person going through it, it isn’t that obvious.

    Aside: the amount of times I’ve had to work sleep schedules with depressed and anxious patients is ridiculously high. People with mental illnesses do forget to sleep. And my job was telling them, “you need sleep ASAP” then work with them how to get it done. Nothing is obvious.