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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • I eventually quit, I finally cold Turkey’d it, I combined it with quiting nicotine.

    I’ve tried to quit many times in the past, but this time has been the longest at 5 months or so

    The advice I have: Don’t plan to quit, at some point you’ll have the impulse to quit after it weighs on your head for a while, that’s when you just lean into it - in the spur of the moment, toss your stuff or put it away someplace that’s annoying to get it back out of. Be as fast about this as possible as to not give time to the little voice that says “one more”: catch your brain off guard.

    Then importantly, ensure to not substitute your habit with something else, like binge snacking or another drug - just accept that you’re gonna be uncomfortable - and embrace the discomfort - potentially make use of a fidget toy - but I found success in just destroying the habit rather than replacing/redirecting it. It took a couple weeks before it no longer was on my mind.

    Finally: don’t beat yourself up if it takes a couple attempts to break the habit, each time I quit I got better at quiting.

    It took a few weeks before I felt like it was all out of my system, and I started feeling healthier and better and more productive and more myself, and now I actually decline weed when offered because I like my sobriety. Mama Ganja taught me a lot, and she’s taught me all she can, and no I have moved on.

  • It stems from a conflict of need and want from what I understand.

    The need for a national id and the refusal of the citizens for a national id. There was a lot of controversy about the SSN because it could be used as an id and the people didn’t want that being so privacy conscious, so they made the numbering system simple and that card fragile to show and dissuade that it isn’t a good id to get the SS passed.

    But of course, there’s still a want/need for some kind of unified id across the nation - so it was used anyway

    And thus we have a terrible id system: flimsy, deterministic, and mostly-unchangable

    If you know the social security number of someone born in your hospital in the same day, it’s likely your ssn’s are right next to each other and could be guessed

    At this point, I don’t think there would be much resistance to a national id, and it would be great for an update that is both securely random, and changeable so that leaking your SSN isn’t such a crazy risk, having it in a laminated card with a chip and electronic signature even better.

  • The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused “until further notice.”

    So we’re saying “if you beat up our people, we’ll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you”


    I’ll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what’s happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.

  • Reddit did that and then instantly multiple serious competitors began to siphon off their power users both out of principle and practicality, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    YouTube i think understands to not cross the line because if they no longer have a monopoly on mid to long form content their golden goose dies. People are already on edge after a long sequence of attacks against non-premium users.

    Personally, If they do do that, and at least some amount of the channels I care about move to a different platform, I’ll happily move with them and cancel my YouTube premium.