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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Whoever is interested in buying old milk could easily make their own for cheap, but if they’re in a hurry to get it, $1 is waaaay too cheap.

    (I’m going to switch to euro units.) It probably costs more in rent and electricity to keep a jug of milk stored in the fridge for 5 years.

    Let’s say you rent a small cheap apartment with 50 sqm. for let’s say 400€ monthly somewhere in a small rural European town. That’ll be €24000 for five years. The fridge takes up 1 of the 50 sqm., so that’s €480. Can a fridge contain 480 jugs of chocolate milk? Nuh uh.

    A standard fridge could maybe hold 200 liters. The jug in the picture is a gallon, or 4 liters, so it could hold 50 jugs. The rent alone would then be €9.6 to produce a five year old gallon of old chocolate milk and this idiot is selling it for $1. What a fool.

  • Pst… Don’t tell… but, small kids, small problems. ;)

    I’d rather change a hundred diapers and bootlefeed in the middle of night than having to worry about if they made it safe home after a night out.

    No, man… Appreciate the simplicity. Enjoy the sound of little feet walking little steps on the floor. It’ll be gone before you realise that you need to spend even more time trying to find something on the TV that both you and your better half want to watch at the same time…

    Kids are great.

  • I only played the original. I didn’t really like it at first, thinking that the augmentation and mod stuff was needlessly complicated for this kind of game. Also the graphics weren’t all that great in comparison to other games using the same engine. There were a lot of attention to details in comparison to other games so I gave it a chance. The turning point came after completing the first part of the story and getting hooked. The story really carried the game and touches on some interesting topics.

    A game with a similar feel would be Omikron: The Nomad Soul. It was released the year before Deus Ex, has worse controls and graphics, but the story and setting is somewhat similar.

  • It’s almost as if the generation that taught us to “decide with your heart”, “do what you love”, “you can be everything you dream of”, etc.etc. has suddenly decided to focus and rule the world by irrelevant talking points instead of staying true to their own beliefs and teaching.

    I hope that whatever happens in the next decade at the dying breath of that generation will not set the precedent for following inhabitants of this planet. I, being gen-x, am doing as much as I can to enable people to younger than me to have better opportunities than I ever had. (Union stuff.)

    The difference being that I acknowledge that younger people are more capable. My parents generation never understood that. They still cling to the belief that age equals wisdom. Maybe their parents taught them that. There is some truth to it, but he cutting point is a lot lower than they believe. The peak of capability is probably closer to 25 than 80…

    Edit. Anyway. The world depends on the American election. Mostly because the world needs USA to be successful in order to maintain a stable balance in world politics. The last Trump period was basically what fucked it up in the first place and I have no expectations of it being any better at a second term, on the contrary.

    Please vote for Biden. Sure, he’s old (please attend to primaries next time…) and Hillary was too, but Trump is still the most senile of them all. I get it. It was funny to vote in some jackass to stir shit up, but that’s not really what happened. All he achieved was to play golf and let radical idiots run the place down…

    It’s not even about the talking points. He spits in every direction, so it doesn’t even matter. He will not fulfill any of the most modest expectations of any of the talking points whether or not you agree with them. He’s going to play golf and let random asslickers run the place, again. That’s not democracy.

  • Hvordan ser det ud på Feddit.dk? Bruger I museer?

    Ja, men det er mest som familieaktivitet og ferieunderholdning til børnene.

    Jeg gad egentlig godt at museer blev lidt mere hardcore mht. til at udstille den enorme viden som ligger bag udstillingerne. Det bliver ofte en lidt tynd omgang, hvor de har forsøgt at lave interaktive udstillinger eller oplevelser med lydfortællinger som er drønende kedelige og samtidig så overfladiske at man intet lærer. Jeg føler lidt at jeg kommer på skoleudflugt når jeg går ind i et museum. Det er selvfølgelig fint at man kan nå at se det hele på et par timer, men der mangler mulighed for at gå lidt dybere, hvis jeg skulle have lyst til at komme oftere og i længere tid.