• 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024

  • Le Pen is an ignorant bigot but she isn’t acting like Trump so I actually do think NR is figuring out its next electoral strategy/how to capitalize on its seats vs. plotting to overthrow a legitimate election and install a dictator.

    Make no mistake, the rise of right wing groups is a major problem in Western Europe and people need to be careful. But France is not on the brink like the US is. Le Pen is not Trump.

  • Yes it matters, as a protest about Israel-Palestine, which I explicitly addressed. Surely you can understand that that is not the same as voting for another candidate? It’s a protest vote, not a vote for or against a candidate. They used the primary as a way to signal their feelings on an issue.

    Beyond that: Saying “I just want someone else” is meaningless. Everybody says that across both parties year after year. The moment you put a name forward, then the responses actually matter.

  • Then I misread it, my mistake.

    Either way, nobody ran against him except one small timer who had no shot. If you had given me an alternative then id have taken it. The people who voted against him didn’t vote for another candidate. It was signaling displeasure/disagreement/anger over Israel-Palestine, and the discussion around that was far more nuanced than you are implying. Plenty of people said “it’s the primary, this is the time to make your real opinion heard” when folks got upset. Unless you think CNN or whatever represents everyone?

    There was never and there continues not to be a challenger. At some point you can’t ask people to vote for an alternative when there is no alternative being offered.

  • So any time I see a rant/comic like this (which is functionally a rant), all I can think is “a lot of your problems would be solved if you just communicated with your friends.“ I see this a lot with D&D and TTRPG’s in general.

    If they are your friends, then they will understand that things feel hostile and playing board games is not fun with them as a result. If they don’t, then maybe you need to consider your taste in friends because most people can handle “hey I can’t keep up can we slow down,” and it would be pretty wild for someone to get upset at that request. I imagine that is not how it happens for most folks but I could be wrong and just have exceptional friends and unrealistic expectations of social interaction lol

    Also: you don’t need to have a full grasp of the game to start playing. Most games you can understand like half of it then just jump in and play a round or two to get your sea legs where people are just talking through the best moves and options because that is a great way to learn how the game plays, and then once everyone is comfortable then you go for “a real one.”