Well, if it was legitimate martial law, the Korean Congress’ body has ways to shut that down.
This space left intentionally blank.
Well, if it was legitimate martial law, the Korean Congress’ body has ways to shut that down.
I wish that the only problem I had with windows 11 was that I couldn’t reposition the taskbar.
Perhaps, but the unpleasant ones are usually very unpleasant and sometimes violent.
My wife and I will accommodate vegans so long as they’re content to keep it to themselves. If we don’t wish to eat the same thing, that’s our choice and not intended as an offense.
Microsoft has done this with every windows they’ve made. After the support period is over, you can pay for additional for a few years to help you transition. This one is so loud because windows 11 was such a privacy bait and switch.
Windows 11 is basically Windows 10, internally it hasn’t changed names. They have to have an external trade name for it or people won’t realize they’re “behind.”
For me, it isn’t really a hatred, more a “I’m tired of hearing about this.” It’s almost never “I’m vegan” and that’s the end of it. It’s all too often “I’m vegan and you should be too and you should feel bad for not being vegan and here in my TED talk I will cover…”
Be vegan if you want. If you decide to proselytize, take “no” or “stop” for an answer.
I, too, choose this guy’s second dinner.
Delightfully, I was unaware.
Maybe, but I’d still rather buy from steam than any of the other stores right now. Steam at least makes an effort to look like they have your back.
But once, it was all beans…
Oh you, Peen Peen. You’re so crazy…
For as long as I refuse to read it, it does not exist. 😤
Can I be this person for Rothfuss?
No, but a “company” in China has far less autonomy from the government in China than one in the US. For some people, that can be stressful
Fuck them gently with a chainsaw.
Perl isn’t really any better. There aren’t easy tools that do the same thing as venv. They exist, but they are not easy. Plus there are a much larger amount of cpan modules that have c in them than python.
Python is the new Perl
Right? A whole 30 seconds? Marathon man here…
It doesn’t. It was never the point of his post. You can still believe that if you want. His reasoning for why he doesn’t is outlined there.
It comes down to whether or not you find processes that we have researched and documented time and time again to be compelling evidence, or you want to believe it is a practical joke (while reductive, it is pretty much that argument breaks down to being).
Around 105° Frankenstein***'s Monster***