• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Oh man. In the not too distant past. About a year and a half now. I would say that, Yeah, that was one of my favorite shows and… Its very true. Watching that show give me a sense of superiority for sure.

    In fact, it’s kind of funny. I think that show had a backlash effect on me. I’d watch this show every week expose some problem and then society would do fuck all to fix it. Long story short, I eventually realized that the problem was capitalism, obviously. Went on a journey to learn how to actually solve these problems.

    Now I’m a tankie.

    Thanks Mr. Oliver!

  • I rode my bike to my urban campus for three years and then to a couple of jobs outside in the nearby area for two more. I miss those days so much.

    Even though while I was there, I always felt like it was a pain in the butt and a compromise. I was kind of a sweaty guy, so it’s much easier if I have a shower to go to in the building that I arrive in, but many buildings around me did, so that wasn’t a problem. I’ve also learned some people just ride slower and don’t need to shower haha.

    The weather in my area can be cold but not super cold and very rarely snow. But I would always obsessively look at the weather and make sure that I was prepping properly.

    When I finally moved away and got a better car and started driving more, I thought I was living more privileged. But for whatever reason I always missed biking and I didn’t understand why.

    Once I learned about the no car movement I realized that when biking in an urban environment, everything else about my life besides my commute was so much easier, and my commute was only a little bit harder than driving. There are ways I could have made it even easier so honestly that wasn’t even that bad.

    It’s one of those things that you have to experience it to understand but once you do you realize that micro mobility is way more convenient for getting around. Then, without massive parking lots, massive 6 lane straods, massive department stores, massive front yards, things aren’t too far away from each other.

    With the exception of the front yards, all of those things just exist to facilitate the car. Like, without the car, you don’t need those things, and then every other form of travel becomes easier. But with those things, only cars become viable. It’s kind of crazy.

  • OMG googling for China green energy news is nearly impossible…

    Anyway I read something recently that said that if China’s green advancements were ignored, the world would have gone backward in percentage of green energy production.

    China is a big country, so anything it does make a huge difference. The fact of the matter is that when they build more green energy than many european nations entire energy output, we know for sure that whatever they do sets the stage for the world. Taking them out of the equation and seeing how bad the rest of the world is doing highlights how China is dragging the rest of the world kicking and screaming into the energy future.

    On a related note, when trying to find this article you can’t help but run into “ChInA hAs gREen eNERgy buT AlSo hAs cOaL sO iT doEsnT CoUnt” nonesense.

  • I really never go back myself, but I keep it around because first things first, there are more specific hobbyists and knowledge subreddits that still contain useful information.

    Sleep apnea, vertigo, things like that where people aren’t talking politics at all, and they just want to talk about their condition and ask questions and get some help.

    I still sometimes find it useful for tech questions and answers and in general might use it to look up some recommendations or reviews. But in actuality it is becoming worse and worse and worse for things like that. So I’m not sure how long that will last.

  • You’re right, there are people out there that literally say don’t vote and try to convince other people not to vote. But I think most of us are reasonable enough to understand that it really doesn’t matter if you vote, so it also doesn’t matter if you convince someone not to vote. We’re not going to vote because we think there’s no utility in it. That is that.

    But the liberals are in a political game, and they need as many players as possible, and they call themselves lefties, and so they go to the lefties and say, hey, we’re on the same side, right? And we’re like, no, fuck you, go away. And they’re like, aw, please? And we’re like, no, you basically side with fascists, go away. And then they get all pissed off of with us, then they claim that we side with fascists, and it’s all a big clusterfuck.

    That’s the perspective I have now that I switched from being one of those liberals to being a leftist.