Same guy as
Maybe awhile back. I feel like I don’t see it much anymore.
I can see Cookie Monster falling to the rings influence quickly. That thing is all desire.
This is only the beginning
I always worry for them
If you add in the price for the carts of the other games included the deal is even better.
BUG is actually a really helpful association! Thats Sultai down at least.
Making a smash clone before ultimate dropped was smart. The market was clearly ready for a good platform fighter and Sm4sh was easy to upstage. But now its a lot more questionable. You have to have everything right, gameplay, roster, marketing, and luck to stand a chance.
Dude did you just call Blaze a bot
Is no one going to ask wtf that picture is? Looks like something you would see under an electronic microscope.
My SO bought Nadu for their bird tribal deck. Had no idea it was such a powerhouse in modern.
Podcasts maybe? That’s my most braindead activity. It’s an easy thing to do in bed while trying to sleep too.
Time also goes by faster at night if youre tired so getting some exercise during the day might help.
Good luck, hope things pick up for you soon.
Larson really likes drawing people stranded on islands