Then all-depression humor all the time isn’t humor anymore, you know? It’s just… depression.
Alternate timeline Louis Rossmann
This is way too accurate
I read that in a soctish voice
For some reason scotish voices are sexy to me
Self deprecation comes off wrong when it seems like the thing you’re criticizing is actually important, and that you actually believe it.
So it’s funny when the audience knows you don’t believe it’s important, either because everyone agrees it’s not important (“I can’t sing on tune to save my life”) or if it’s a particular example that doesn’t matter (“I’m such a bad mom because [something inconsequential]),” or if it’s a topic that people can see isn’t important to you (jokes about being socially awkward, bad at your job, etc.).
If you’re in one of those lanes, you can go pretty hard on yourself before it seems to go too far.
I really enjoy how Gotham Chess does it, effortlessly switching between deep self deprecation and very insulting condescension while somehow making it obvious neither of them should be taken seriously.
Kyle Kinane. Super funny guy but his first couple stand up albums were like this. He definitely toned it down as time went on though. His bit about Trader Joe and Trader Jose still kills me.
idk why but this just looks like jacksfilms to me
I was going to comment this exact thing lmao