Did anybody ever not sour on this testicular sore of a human being?
Did anybody ever not sour on this testicular sore of a human being?
Hey I actually know this guy
Numb in my ass.
Thanks Instagram reels.
Yo fuck that propagandist piece of shit Joe Rogan. Keep him off of my feed.
If only we were acutely aware and presently suffered from one of those systems right now…
This is all true. Kinda surprising. Memes about Canada are usually pretty incorrect.
How do I know if it’s gonna be a hazy new england? If I get a pale west coast it won’t taste the same and I won’t like it.
Shopping in bulk
Stealing in bulk
This is subgenre dependant, decade also.
A favorite these days:
Crass - Penis Envy
Eh. It looked no better or worse than most interpretative dance. I wouldn’t spend any energy getting worked up over it.
Bands I play in, venues I go to and shows they announce are widely published on Facebook. I tried to stay off but it persists.
Kyle Rittenhouse has menstruating vagina confirmed.
What a guy!
I wonder how this compares to my Canadian tax contribution to healthcare
It’s not a whole community?
I used to be 300 and now I’m much closer to 200 (under if I’m careful) and I bike a lot. My calves and thighs are chiseled.
People have a serious bias towards what they can see. They can see protesters but they can’t see pollution. Effective protests are hard to ignore. So they see protesters as a bigger problem than polluters.
It’s a smaller button inside a larger button (sort of), the smaller (right) button you push to flush your urine and the larger (left) you push to flush your excrement. I’ve used these many times but if I’m honest I’ve never actually been sure if they work.
Neither of those things were backed by science. Confusing convincing lobbying with science is a problem today was it was then.