Women are you feeling today and you can see the sun on your face in your face when I dial up now x
Women are you feeling today and you can see the sun on your face in your face when I dial up now x
Thanks i understand now. These graphs could definitely be a little more clear.
Edit: i actually looked again, and it does explain what its showing, i just think i and others have already glanced past the writing after all the other information at the very top.
I think this chart is %change from before covid to after covid. This chart doesn’t say they are consuming most physical but they have increased the amount of physical media since covid. But then why no negative percentages?
Maybe I’m confused 😕
In cookie lingo, double chocolate means the cookie dough is chocolate flavoured as well as having choc chips. Triple chocolate means the chocolate dough with choc chips also has a chocolate coating on the bottom.
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