Codewars is a cool leetcode-esque thing with less of the corporate dystopia sheen.
Sometimes the service freezes for me and cant be killed, requiring a restart.
For real. The main reason I switched to linux was because I was getting into progamming, and when I had to troubleshoot something on windows it was like half a dozen arcane solutions which might work, but the linux solution to the same problem was a terminal one liner. Maybe I’d feel differently if I was afraid of the terminal, but that’s one affliction I am blessedly free of.
Idk, I still think information wants to be free. If you figured it out just farting around, sophisticated malevolent actors are likely already doing similar things. Might be better to let the genie out of the bottle, so people can learn to be skeptical. Deep fakes are optimally effective when a majority still accepts the veracity of images as an article of faith.
Have you tried killing the other process using the dpkg lock?
Really, you already use gimp, but not linux?
Duckduckgo has a no javascript mode.
Thats actually not a terrible idea.
If anything, their tech hours got reduced.
Ive been daily driving debian since dec 25, 2023. I dont regret it at all. I had some experience using ubuntu in like 2007, but other than that had been using windows exclusively.
Damn, I wanted to metion sql lite.
ctrl-b: move cursor back one character
ctrl-f: move cursor foward one character
ctrl-d: delete character under cursor
Isnt that what stash is for?
what do you mean by the Fuck you pay me thing?
How do I trouble shoot a broken tray icon in swaybar?
I may actually have a hope of remembering how to access elements of an array in bash now!
I just want you to know you weren’t screaming into the void. Look at my new
from pathlib import PurePath
from Layout import Layout
DEFAULT_FOLDER = PurePath("/home", "mike", "bg")
WATERMARK_DIR = Path(Path(os.getcwd()).parent, "assets", "img")
def main() -> Layout:
return Layout()
if __name__ == "__main__":
(I know I still need to change those folder defaults, but I am still riding the high of getting all that layout stuff into and it working. I spent a couple hours today struggling, wondering why I was just getting a blank screen, when i realized i forgot to call .grid() on the frame that held all the widgets! So it was just rendering a blank window. )
I fucking love halloween. If this is true, it’s one of the few redeeming aspects of USA culture.