There were those bars in the early 2000s with dueling pianos. Yeah, no. Definitely not those.
There were those bars in the early 2000s with dueling pianos. Yeah, no. Definitely not those.
It’s funny you mention that. I had a blog during the W years and often posted questionable content about the administration. One day while reviewing logs, I noticed a LOT of traffic that resolved to Arlington VA. I toned it down after that, as I wasn’t keen on spooks crawling up my ass.
Self censorship is a topic that turns cold when you realize you’re making yourself a very real target.
Your friend needs to realize that no matter how much they want employees to work extra hard, they will not do it because they do not have incentive. No matter how hard they work, they will not benefit in the long term like he will.
Bust my ass six days a week to make HIM wealthy? No. And fuck you.
That is the difference.
Man, that’s some shit.
I hate every day - I prefer the night.
My wife laughs at me for mending clothes. I often darn socks, jeans, sweaters, etc. - takes about 10 minutes but dang, I just saved $80 on a new pair of jeans. DUH.
My jr high school made the boys take ‘home economics’ and the girls had to take shop class. We all thought it was a joke but, 40 years later, I can still sew and shank a button, fix a tear in jeans, and make a pan of muffins with the best of them.
Any society which holds “your money or your life” as a valid argument is not one which should exist.
Looks more like andrew Taint to me.
“Lumber for record bins”
Yeah, I really need to get on that project.
How can people live like this? Calling it nasty would be a compliment.
A riDICulous amount of suction.
I created a countdown timer on my tablet a while back. I’m down to ~9,200 days.
You should send the cops ever-increasing stalker messages. See what their reaction is. /s
This guy spends FAR too much time sniffing his own farts.
When you discover a bump somewhere on your skin and the very first reaction is to scratch and dig whatever may be there, out.
Yeah man. Everybody’s family is insane on some level - some more than others. Lemme put it this way, there was a reason why I moved 3000 miles away from mine.
I have that same drum kit - or at least the pedals and stand. Got it from Monoprice for like $150. It’s complete shit but does the job for capturing simple beats that I can build on in Logic.
I’m going with Nikola Tesla. Just imagine having THAT tasteless shit gibbon slap your name on a product and making gobs of cash off it. The fact Tesla hasn’t awakened from the dead to haunt his ass proves there’s no spirit world. If ANYONE could/would do it, it would have been Nikola Tesla.
Nelson Mandela died because of the Smiths