• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not going to down vote you, but I strongly disagree. Wealthy begets wealth. Poverty digs the hole deeper. This has been the pattern for longer than any of us have been alive.

    You don’t have money? Congrats, you need to take out loans for any important purchase, and get terrible interest rates on those loans. You can live in a crappy apartment and drive a crappy car, but those still cost significant money when you have none. Work two or three jobs even. The minimum wage have been raised in 15 years, so what you earn is barely enough to scrape by, assuming you don’t have any health problems.

    You come from money? Make investments, but rental properties, get your education without financially crippling you for years. You come from lots of money? Corner the market, influence Congress to pass bills that protect your assets and punish others.

  • Never responded. I didend up buying a keychron. They didn’t have the blues in stock, so I bought one with browns and ordered blue switches. They also were out of the model that had Wi-Fi, but I figured Bluetooth is fine. Turns out, I love the brown switches. Also, I realized my rig is so old and randomly upgraded that I don’t even have Bluetooth.

    Anyway, it’s the best keyboard I’ve ever owned. Works great with my various laptops. I now enjoy typing. Many thanks for the recommendation.

  • No one needs Plex pass. I don’t even recall what it does. You just send an invitation to their email. It will try to get them to subscribe, but they don’t need to. They just need to accept from you and setup a plain account. Maybe even just login from a Google account.

    You may need to walk them through setup/installation on whatever device they use, because Plex tries to put a bunch of things that aren’t your content on the home screen.

    Strangely, Plex (remotely) performs differently depending on the device. I’ve never had any issue with a computer or phone (you do have to make a one time $5 payment for the phone app). My horribly slow TV runs Plex surprisingly well. It runs like garbage on my PS4, and sometimes struggles on my Xbox series X.

    If the streaming runs choppy for remote users, there are some settings you can adjust. But that’s another story.