A fixation on system change alone opens the door to a kind of cynical self-absolution that divorces personal commitment from political belief. This is its own kind of false consciousness, one that threatens to create a cheapened climate politics incommensurate with this urgent moment.


Because here’s the thing: When you choose to eat less meat or take the bus instead of driving or have fewer children, you are making a statement that your actions matter, that it’s not too late to avert climate catastrophe, that you have power. To take a measure of personal responsibility for climate change doesn’t have to distract from your political activism—if anything, it amplifies it.

  • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    I’m not saying to do nothing as individuals.

    Just pointing out that the fossil fuel industry paid a marketing team to push the idea of individual carbon footprints for a reason.

    100 companies have been responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That means that the remaining 29% of emissions are shared by all the other companies and consumers. Even if you split that remainder evenly between all other companies and consumers, that’s only 14% all emissions being caused by consumers and it’s probably more likely in the single digits.

    This is why the fossil fuel industry pays a marketing team to get the public focused on their individual carbon footprint. So you’re focused on the less than 14% of the total emissions instead of the other 86%

    • then_three_more@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      Which, as I said, is exactly why we should stop giving them our money. Divestment is a key thing people can will hurt these companies massively.

      • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        “We” as in consumers don’t use enough to hurt companies by divesting.

        By all means do anything you can to reduce your individual carbon footprint. But do so knowing it is just a drop in the ocean. Such a small difference that it might as well be nothing.

        But if you convince the public that our individual choices can fix climate change then we end up with paper straws instead of systemic change.

        • then_three_more@lemmy.world
          7 days ago

          "We” as in consumers don’t use enough to hurt companies by divesting.

          I think you’re confused by what divesting is. That’s us as business owners, not as customers (obviously we as customers can hit them simultaneously from the other side too).

          Yes, individually it doesn’t hurt them much, but it becomes the death of a thousand cuts.

          If you can put pressure on your pension provider, local government, church, favourite charity or any other organisation you care about to drop funds with them in entirely then all the better.

          By all means do anything you can to reduce your individual carbon footprint

          Divesting is not to do with that, it’s about hitting these companies right in the share price.

          • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            Here is the definition of divesting.

            You seem to be confused about what individual carbon footprint is because you’re talking about business choices as if they are an individuals choices.

            Business owners divesting has nothing to do with an individuals carbon footprint.

            If you can put pressure on your pension provider, local government, church, favourite charity or any other organisation you care about to drop funds with them in entirely then all the better.

            This is accomplished by group action and legal/political pressure which is the opposite of reducing your individual carbon footprint. That is the systemic change I am saying we need.

            Not telling people they need to walk to work so they don’t burn fuel. Or get solar panels to stop funding coal, when they live in an apartment.

    • MrMakabar@slrpnk.net
      7 days ago

      That includes downstream emissions. So if your car runs on BP oil, those emissions would be part of BPs emissions.

      There is a reason BP is not advertising people to drop their cars. BP wants two things in its campaign. First of all to make clear that it is your lifestyles fault and secondly that besides munor changes you do not have to change that at all.

      • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        They are responsible for those downstream emissions because they entrenched themselves and made it so the majority of people don’t have a choice. Even going so far as to influence how our cities are built to make us dependent on them.

        Most people cannot afford to get a car let alone an EV. The only reason we are seeing EVs in the first place is because of government intervention.

        If the individual doesn’t have a choice because of choices made by the fossil fuel industry then the individual isn’t responsible for those emissions.

        • MrMakabar@slrpnk.net
          7 days ago

          How do people die from not having a car? It must be a lot of them, given that most can not afford them, but depend on them…

          • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            You don’t know that people use cars to get to work? And get food?

            If I were to stop using fuel I would have no way to get to work and earn money. Which means no house or food or anything.

            Why does that need to be explained to you?

              • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
                7 days ago

                Congrats. Now get 100% of the worlds population to do the same.

                Then you will have reduced less than 14% of the emissions needed.

                That’s why BP paid a marketing firm to get the public focused on their individual carbon footprint. So you waste your time trying to get 100% of the worlds population to change their individual carbon footprint.

                Instead of focusing on getting the majority of voters to protest and vote.

                • MrMakabar@slrpnk.net
                  7 days ago

                  So you waste your time trying to get 100% of the worlds population to change their individual carbon footprint.

                  That is the plan. How else are you going to get to zero, but to change the everybodies carbon footprint.

                  Instead of focusing on getting the majority of voters to protest and vote.

                  To do what? Ban combustion engines to force everybody to change their individual carbon footprint? Any sort of actually massive climate legislation is going to impact a lot of peoples life directly.

                  • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
                    6 days ago

                    To do what? Ban combustion engines to force everybody to change their individual carbon footprint? Any sort of actually massive climate legislation is going to impact a lot of peoples life directly.

                    You’re arguing that we shouldn’t vote for legislation to prevent climate change because it is going to impact people’s lives?

                    And instead we should just hope that 100% of the worlds population just does the right thing?

                    Remember when we tried to get people to wear masks during the pandemic?

                    That appoach doesn’t work. That’s why the fossil fuel industry is paying marketing firms to convince the public to focus on their individual carbon footprint.

    • UnityDevice@startrek.website
      7 days ago

      Those 100 companies are fuel producers making fuel that everyone else burns. By that metric my gas company is responsible for 100% of my gas-based greenhouse emissions.
      I hate how often that study gets misused.

      • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        Why wouldn’t they be responsible for the emissions from the fuel they provide? The fossil fuel industry has entrenched themselves and made it as difficult as possible to not use their products. Even to go so far as to influence how our cities are built.

        I’d love to not use any fossil fuels but I can’t afford solar panels or a heat pump so I have to either burn gas or my family freezes to death. I have to get my electricity from coal because my family can’t survive without electricity.

        I don’t have a choice because of the choices made by the fossil fuel industry.

        • UnityDevice@startrek.website
          6 days ago

          If the providers are to blame for all emissions and the consumers are free of responsibility, then all consumption is equal. If Exxon is the responsible party, then the guy buying the gas guzzler to stick it to the libs is the same as the guy driving a hybrid, as neither is to blame for their emissions.

          I understand choosing comfort over living in a cave or dying, obviously, but that doesn’t mean we’re free of any and all blame. Any time a new climate report comes and it’s worse than the one before I understand that my existence and choice of comfort played a part in it . I don’t just go “oh that Exxon, smh” and carry on guilt free.

          • UsernameHere@lemmy.world
            6 days ago

            No one said consumers are free of all responsibility.

            No one said “oh that Exxon, smh”.

            Trying to fix climate change by reducing individual carbon footprint doesn’t work because there are a lot of people that:

            1. don’t have the luxury of being able to not use gasoline or solar.

            2. Don’t care

            3. It requires 100% of the world population to take it upon themselves to do the right thing just to fix the smallest part of the problem.

            Fixing it with voting/protest reduces emissions for everyone. The rich, poor, industrial emissions, commercial emissions. All emissions.

            • UnityDevice@startrek.website
              6 days ago

              smallest part of the problem

              This is what I’m trying to get across to you here. You’ve posted the same thing notion multiple times in this thread. The consumer share isn’t the smallest part, it’s most of it. All the oil we extract serves to make products, transport products, sell products to the consumer - you. It’s not being being burnt for fun.

              When you engage in consumption, any amount of it, you’re pulling a string connected to a million other strings that mostly end up in an oil well one way or another. The luxury you speak of is in that consumption, not the lack of it.

              And if you think otherwise, compare your lifestyle, your lifelong level of comfort to that of someone who spent their whole life living in a hut in Mali, whose lifelong emissions equal a few months worth of yours. Now try to tell that person that you’re not responsible for the gas you burn, it’s the fault of those that provided you with the option to do it. It’s insulting.