cross-posted from:

The identified people include 169 babies born after the Hamas attacks of 7 October that began the war, and a man born in 1922 who had survived more than a century of war and upheaval. More than 100 pages are filled with the names of victims under 10 years old, and the first adult names do not appear until page 215.

    13 hours ago

    Either you are an example of what I would call the propaganda, or you’re in the bubble.

    • Literally, read the article. There’s no world where “11,355 children, 2,955 people aged 60 or older, and 6,297 women” slaughtered is anywhere close to reasonable. It’s not even that they are collateral damage, civilians make up HALF of casualties that we know about!

    • Literally, Netanyahu’s campaign slogan was “It’s Us or Them”.

    • Their officials and supporters state in no uncertain terms that the time has come to eradicate all Palestinians.

    • Experts at the UN have said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe the bar has been met for genocide, and while the UN won’t officially label it as such, they have officially told Israel that they are required to 1) “prevent a genocide”, and 2) get out of Gaza immediately. But Israel continues to flagrantly disregard both instructions.

    • Meanwhile, the right wing media sweeps it aside with inhumane, Onion-level headlines like “UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less women and children killed than previously reported”. As though that…justifies something?!

    It’s not subtle, they’re not trying to hide it, they are in the process of eradicating a rival religion from the face of the earth because they know they’re in the position where every other first world country will help them do it, no questions asked. And we all just have to sit and watch it happen.

      7 hours ago

      There’s no world where

      Why are you trusting numbers supplied by Hamas?

      It’s Us or Them

      Netanyahu is a bastard, but how’s that untrue?


      Francesca Albanese

      She’s not an expert, she’s under investigation for corruption by the very terrorist groups she is supporting.

      while the UN won’t officially label it as such, they have officially told Israel that they are required to 1) “prevent a genocide”, and 2) get out of Gaza immediately

      Based on what exactly? If this whole genocide claim was as waterproof as frequently claimed, then why has South Africa failed to provide the necessary evidence and why has the court rejected an extension to the recently expired deadline to submit said evidence?

      Meanwhile, the right wing media

      Well done carefully picking the Fox News article on this, even though there are other articles on this as well:

      they are in the process of eradicating a rival religion from the face of the earth

      At most, going by Hamas numbers, 1% of the population of Gaza has been killed. At this rate, it’ll take them over 80 years (assuming no new births, which is of course not realistic - Palestinians still have higher birth rates than Israelis, always had) to kill just the people in Gaza. Even the claim that they are trying to kill all Gazans is preposterous, but claiming that they want to eradicate a religion of 1 billion people can only be described as the most vile, the most unhinged antisemitic hate speech. It’s also nothing but gaslighting, given that both Hamas and Hezbollah’s open goal is to not just kill all Israelis, but every Jew and other “unbeliever” on Earth.

          2 hours ago

          If that’s your conclusion from what I wrote, then I pity the long list of teachers who tried to teach reading comprehension to you.

          • Match!!
            1 hour ago

            i did sorta tune you out after you spun the south africa genocide case into somehow being in israel’s favor after repeated injunctions by the ICJ