Is “rough sleeping” a euphemism to try and downplay homelessness, or is that really how it’s referred to on that side of the pond?
Rough sleeping is a specific category of homelessness, meaning people who are sleeping actually outside, on the street. Homelessness can refer more generally to people who are shuttling between different temporary accommodation or couch surfing. Obviously there’s some overlap and people often go from one to the other.
Thank you!
What a shock, giving people a place to sleep stops them sleeping on the streets!
Next they’ll realise giving people food stops them being hungry!
Next, they’ll realise redistributing wealth from the richest percentiles to the poorest percentiles eliminates poverty!
It’s almost like 1 + 1 = 2?
We need to push hard, like delivering a baby, and protect it, when delivered.
B…bu…but it’ll trickle dooooown
Amazing how so many MPs love golden showers.
“I think that it can be applied [here], and that is part of the reason why we’re here, because we are happy to share the experiences we have had,” he said. “Human beings are similar everywhere, so it can’t be impossible to apply to other countries as well.”
Looking at you, USA.
I believe it was Utah who has already done some work on this and showed that it was very successful and reducing ER use and police interaction between the same individuals getting housing
I’m not sure if I heard anything about that and forgot, or didn’t, but we can do it nationally. There’s no reason not to take care of each other.
I replied with thanks, for your kindness, but fat -finger deleted it, when I went to edit, so again, thanks so much, for your kindness!
But we didn’t follow through with programming or sufficient resources to deal with the core issues that people face."
Well, it was a step, but the other foot has to follow. It’s “housing first,” not “housing fixes everything, done.” We have to stop running societies like businesses for short gain, while running it into the ground and outsourcing the issues to third parties, like prison -for-profit via chattel slavery, before the few percent have us all being chattel slaves.
i was honestly ready to think this was going to be another “banning rough sleeping and don’t do anything else” but i was pleasantly surprised. who’d have thought that actually getting people places to live instead of just attacking and criminalising sleeping rough would yield positive results.