[alt text: a semi-surreal meme image on a plain white background. Two characters from Dark Souls are saying, “My lord, we have absolutely ESSENTIAL lore information for the player. Should we make a cutscrene for it?”. They are looking at Hidetaka Miyazaki, who has the From Software logo emblazoned over him, and he is replying, “NO…Put it in the description of a COOKBOOK”. There are several cookbook item icons floating between the characters.]
And then the lore is the most generic. boring nonsense
If it’s boring and generic, how is it also nonsense? That seems contradictory to me, but maybe I don’t understand.
It’s nonsense because it is boring and generic.
You could have just not read it and it wouldn’t change a thing.
Is it generic? It seems pretty rich in Elden Ring when compared to most games.
That is just, like your opinion man.
Makes sense then that entire YouTube channels got big by explaining said “boring nonsense”.