• Turun@feddit.de
    2 months ago

    I understand the motivation behind this opinion and would like to see testing of beauty products on animals outlawed. But pigs with lipstick is not really what you take the most issues with, is it? It’s about giving rabbits cancer so we can test new cancer drugs on them. Assuming we make that illegal, how do you propose new cancer treatments should be tested?

      • qyron@sopuli.xyz
        2 months ago

        Both occurr.

        There are experimental medication trials with volunteer human subjects, often people in a situation where they have nothing to lose and whatever small contribute they may give to advance knowledge on a given field may very well be their last (or only) act of compassion towards others.

        Make-up and so called beauty products can and should be tested on humans alone. But medications and other alike present too much of an unknown outcome to test outright on humans. Too many could die before any good data could be gathered to improve whatever is being developed, which would render most research undoable.

        Animal testing is, as we stand, a necessary evil we must all carry with us. Let us hope we find a way to end this in a very near future.

          • qyron@sopuli.xyz
            2 months ago

            Death is an integral part of life.

            You can argue, because the concept and notion of consent is exists and is understanble by us, humans, we are burdened with the task of safeguarding those who can not understand it.

            Many die, unwillingly, unknown, unnamed, for others to live. It’s an unchanging law of nature.

            We can and should, are morally obligated to, curtail the cruelty that still holds our reality together. It is wrong but exists and, to a degree, is necessary as reality exists today.