had a large abscess excised from my right thigh. they did a wet-to-dry pack instead of closing it. while I was under, they were able to get two full gauze rolls into the hole. the pain of getting it back out was the worst pain I’d ever experienced in my life
I’ve heard that packing gauze into a gunshot wound to stop the bleeding is pretty unpleasant. I’ve also heard that a tourniquet that’s on properly is unbearably painful as well.
had a large abscess excised from my right thigh. they did a wet-to-dry pack instead of closing it. while I was under, they were able to get two full gauze rolls into the hole. the pain of getting it back out was the worst pain I’d ever experienced in my life
Same thing here. Had to change the gauze daily and have never felt pain like it before or since. Healed up really well though.
I’ve heard that packing gauze into a gunshot wound to stop the bleeding is pretty unpleasant. I’ve also heard that a tourniquet that’s on properly is unbearably painful as well.