• kamenLady.@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I live in Cologne, Germany. We also have many turks living here. I mean so many, that a district is called Small-Istanbul and Erdogan does some heavy propaganda around here, just to ensure the votes from the community living here.

    Something that has already happened a few times is a girl being murdered by their own family, because she brought shame to the family, by doing whatever is not allowed to do with guys from other religions. It even has a name, honor killing.

    It’s all pretty bad, but what caught me by surprise was a documentary about extremely conservative Muslims living in countries that are predominantly not Muslim.

    Some women, most of them ex Muslims, were interviewed and told that the mothers are mostly the ones that enforce the Muslim rule in a household.

    They are the ones that insist that their kids have to follow the rules, even living in a country where most schoolmates are not Muslim.

    Is this an instance of internalized sexism?

    • shneancy@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      no i think that’s religious brainwashing

      religious people living away from a place where everyone follows the same religion might become borderline fanatics as they feel the need to perform their religion for everyone around them, so they try hard to become what they believe is an exemplary muslim/christian/Buddhist/Hindu

      similar thing can be seen with religion converts, they’re often way more orthodox and conservative about their new religion’s rules than people who were born into it