Practically every month now in the USA, I hear about some CRAZY privacy violation or “security threat”, or some other doomer bad news from some public official that we are supposed to care about.


  • Kaspersky is Russian owned, so we can’t trust that Antivirus anymore
  • TPLink Chinese owned, can’t trust that brand of routers anymore
  • All social security numbers in the USA stolen/hacked
  • Privacy breaches very often. It would be easier to list which companies DIDN’T have a privacy violation yet. LastPass was the point where I was truly surprised
  • Temu overriding device security and gaining access to parts of your mobile device it shouldn’t have access to, and sending huge amounts of data to unknown sources
  • Meta and Facebook Cambridge analytica

We hear repeatedly about these from Government, top world leaders… and nothing is done. Why do we pretend to care? Like really, why do we bother caring? What is the incentive for me to care?