Didn’t play much this week. Mainly continuing with Dragon Age: Inquisition, plus some more puzzles in The Last Campfire.

My wife, who generally doesn’t play games, got back into Tetris 99, even reaching 2nd in a gruelling match. Also playing some single player Tetris in Puyo Puyo Tetris.

What about all of you? What have you been playing? Or planning to play over the weekend?

  • Tourma@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I bought Vandals on the Switch. It’s more Hitman GO than Laura Croft GO, but still good. Good soundtrack too.

    Off the Switch I’m playing Destiny 2, (still haven’t finished TFS,) amd seeing what my new, (to me,) Linux can handle with an integrated GPU. Thus far its hiddle folks and GeForce Now on a chromium browser.