I started running this week, I plan on waking up at 4 am and go running around 5 am… The problem is I feel like I can barely move my legs! I am quite active but running I’ve always struggled with and I really want to keep doing it through life 🥺 please help me 🙏

  • dingus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I used an android app called “Just Run”. It’s a free couch to 5K app with no ads. Downside is it’s very simple and it only trains you on the length of your runs, not your distance. So I paired it with a cheap smartwatch to figure out how far I was going. I didn’t make it to 5k at the end of the app (altho I was able to run for 30 mins straight like the app trains you), but I continued to run afterwards now only using my smartwatch.

    Initially I was going to run more frequently, but through the advice on the app, I found that it’s best to have at least one rest day in between runs. So I run every one to two days ideally unless I have something going on. It feels less pressuring and draining to do that way too.

    Initially, my feet and knees (and even a bit of my chest from using my breathing muscles more lol) hurt a lot, but I just went slow and kept at it and eventually my body got used to running and now everything is fine. I do have mild chronic pain in my left foot, but I think it’s unrelated because it started happening before I picked up running.

    Maybe a bit tmi, but I always be sure to take a dump in the morning before I go out for a run lol!!

    Good luck! Remember, you don’t have to be Usain Bolt!