The amount of bullshit there is to make things work is… not that bad. When it comes to games, I just can’t. Having to reboot just to fix common FPS issues is too much. I’ve had a bunch of things that require a config change, which then has caused other issues.

The state of Linux Desktop is the best it has ever been and I’ll be back the moment Wayland works better. I love Linux, but for now, it’s not working out for me… Just needed to vent, thanks for reading.

    2 months ago

    I can’t think of a game right now that I would want to play so much that I would be willing to install Windows.

    Oh, I actually can. Gnomoria. Which is like 10 years old, unfinished (pretty much playable, though) but AWESOME indie , dwar-fortress-inspired colony sim, does technically have Linux build, but the Linux build has a horrible bug where it corrupts your save after getting to a certain advanced point in the game. For that one, my dear beloved Gnomoria, I actually ended up installing Windows 10 in a KVM a year or so ago :-D.

      2 months ago

      That’s sweet to hear somebody talking about a long-forgotten game like Gnomoria so fondly. I hope somehow that reaches a dev. :D

      I have this one sitting in my library too, and it did make me sad that it’s forever unfinished. Didn’t know about that nasty Linux bug! Wish at that point, they would just open source it lol.

      In the meantime I’ve really been enjoying Rimworld as a DF-like experience. :)