Like… I fail to understand how the creators though having drag queens doing a mockery of the last supper was a good idea… In what universe was that acceptable?

Edit: ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ of course

        2 months ago

        Uh yeah it kind of is? You’re the one who said it’s about the Last Supper (incorrect) and who has a bee in their bonnet about drag queens for whatever reason.

        People have been performing different gender roles for hundreds of years. In Shakespeare’s time they didn’t let women act in plays so it was all men.

        Japanese Kabuki theatre is also all men acting in male and female roles.

        And yes, Ancient Greece - y’know, where the Olympics originally come from - also had men dressed in drag for female roles in their theatrical performances as women generally did not act in theatre.

        Let’s also not forget France’s most famous drag king, Joan of Arc!

        So I’m not sure what the issue seems to be.