lists my collection at about $28k and I’m heavily thinking about parting with it to pay important debts. What does one do to sell it accurately and fairly? lists my collection at about $28k and I’m heavily thinking about parting with it to pay important debts. What does one do to sell it accurately and fairly?
Wow, $28k. That’s wild! Is it arcade cabinets? Rare stuff?
From selling a fair few MTG cards for the last few decades, I’d say it really depends if you want it to be fast/easy or maximize profits.
Selling individual things (think eBay) will net a lot more, usually what price estimators use like Pricecharting. If you just wanna get out of it all, then a bulk purchase will net a lot less (think game store)
Of course it’s unrealistic to expect full 100% payout of the full worth but it’d be nice to get 80%. It’s a very tough decision that honestly 8 don’t even wanna sell but the thought of being debt free sounds nice as well.