I think he will, but there might be a real primary challenge.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    Reaction against Obama put Trump in, right?

    Reaction against Trump put Biden in, right?

    I hope Harris wins, but the world-economy is being flushed, with exponential-force, down the sewer, & NO incumbent survives that kind of thing ( backlash-vote ),

    AND as the book “The Big Sort” apparently explains, the cultural-segregation that mass-media push so hard creates intolerance.

    Which, of course, when escalated by mass media of various alignments, keeps amplifying ( feedback-loops ) until … genociding.

    The locking-Anglos-out in Quebec ( we no longer have any access to goverment phone-services in English ) is simply an earlier stage of divide-and-genocide than whan the US is in, but … it’ll get there.

    Whether unconsciously or consciously, the heads of Quebec are committed to turning Canada into another Russia/Ukraina, Israel/Palestine, Deep-South racism kind of thing, in a generation or 2, for whatever they win/gain in accomplishing that.

    IF Trump doesn’t win 2024, then Civil War begins in 2028, +/- a very-few months, & continues until the US is butchered-carrion.

    It’s far too late to save the US: the real problem is that Animals-and-Tribes-Time mode of Kahneman1 mind ( imprint->reaction ) has already successfully highjacked the country.

    As … Glubb, was it? realized, empires die at about 2.5-centuries.

    There’s a book “How to Hide an Empire” on the American Empire, so anybody who wants to pretend that all the machiavellian interventions ( remember when Iraq’s intervention backfired, because they didn’t want to be a puppet-state, & wanted self-determination? That was noticed openly in some news item or other, back then… I’d not have clued-in to it, on my own, buth then, through the years… there are puppets of lobbies, aren’t there? & these lobbies work to enforce that accountability never get near them… … whatever: if humankind isn’t viable, & Natural Selection extinguishes humankind, then humankind’s herdbeast games, bullying & majority-domination, & minority-beaten/broken, same as in herds anywhere … we were supposed to be upright-human, you know? if we failed The Great Filter, well, then too bad: we earn what we earn… )

    So, the identity of the ruling-class has sooo completely mismatched the actuality of the empire, now, that it’s incapable of surviving.

    Same as Rome, Britain’s empire, etc…

    12-13 generations, & … kaput.

    The Big ( cultural ) Sort seems to be the mechanism, but DarkHexad { narcissism / machiavelianism / sociopathy-psychopathy / nihilism / sadism } is cultivated, if not directly-grown, by privilege-caste, & … well, that’s a feedback-loop too, isn’t it?

    Concentration-of-privilege, concentration-of-wealth, which “says” “trickle-down economics”, but is gaslighting…

    which “says” “charity”, but … when you see that literally millions of DONATED $ are pocketed by the executives of the US’s United Way … that woke socialist feminist convicted-felon Yehoshua “Jesus” ( Iosa, in Roman/Latin, I’ve been told by an actual Roman-born person ) benJoseph already laced into fake-charity, 2 millenia ago…

    Part of the problem is that it isn’t a single problem: it’s actually a fractal and chaotic anti-fragile/robust mesh of problems, which all mutually-reinforce…

    Narcissism conserves “validity” & excludes all it can, to prove how “exclusive” its “validity” is, right? Anti-compassion. Sociopathy is … exactly that, isn’t it?


    How can “trickle-down economics”, or “compassion for the privileged-caste/class’s inferiors” ( note the contempt in their “charity”… I was born into the upper-middle-class, & it took 7+ years of accumulated homelessness for me to crack the identity-underlying-ego that that ideology/prejudice, as all “race”, “class”, & “gender” is, in social-process, enough for me to get to some kind of objective-honestly, more than a decade later… )

    The action->reaction cycle cannot be stopped, postponed, or prevented: US of A is finished.

    I hope that Kamala Harris makes this last “calm before the storm” be as spiritually-thriving as she can, enforcing an increase in state-integrity, against lobbies’ undermining of everything, but it doesn’t change the pogrom/tantrum that’ll destroy about 2/3 of the US’s population in … approximately 7y from when it begins ( that is just one of the natural human-cycles, because it’s a cycle that our unconscious-mind “works” at: it’s too “stuck” to work quicker… )

    You know how sometimes you have a grandparent or relative or friend or other-family, someone whom you really care about, & cancer/whatever’s killing them?

    & there’s nothing you can do??

    Objectively, that’s what’s happening with the US: it’s fatal, it’s implacable, only our relationship with its process, & outcome, & the way we make the process enact, can we change…

    We can’t prevent the death.

    We can’t prevent the reaping of the consequences of our previous-generations’ “sowing” carelessness in education, or in accommodating the “surrender” ( technical-only, not honest/total ) of the KKK/Confederates, who’ve now done to much of the country exactly what McDonnell Douglass’s beancounter-culture did to Boeing ( a “reverse takeover” )…

    What has been sown, is going to be reaped, to use the Christian rendition of what the older religions call “karma”.

    end of Part 1, as the Lemmy character-count blocked my commenting with the whole thing in a single entry…