I have a job I don’t quite like and I’m shooting applications elsewhere. I work full time and I’m also looking for another job in my city that fits my qualifications. I cannot change states or move to another city, it is what it is.

So far I’ve sent 5 apps for positions that interest me: 2 have answered, one could offer me a different but similar job (position already filled) and the other one, while fitting what I majored in, means constant stress, plans that change constantly, even several times a day, a pay reduction and the last 2 who applied to do this quit in 4 and 6 months respectively.

At least they were honest during the interview, but I now feel depressed. I was hoping to work there and quit my current job.

  • thesohoriots@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    5 apps with 2 responses, and locally? You’re doing really well. Seriously. It sounds like you are qualified enough to get what you want, and the number of responses already is a very good sign.

    Small rant:

    My experience: a Ph.D., two years applying through Indeed/LinkedIn/directly, several rounds of professional development to overhaul networking approaches/resumes, maybe 150 applications, and I maybe hear back in a couple months with a form letter rejection. The few interviews I’ve had were either a company looking for a unicorn (or just lying about a position), something that lead to a task-based assessment, or a goddamn AI-analyzed one-way interview which is the biggest red flag.

    Tl;dr it’s really bad out there, and you honestly have great results so far, even if it doesn’t seem like it! All the best to you, and I hope you find something you’ll enjoy.