• Max-P@lemmy.max-p.me
    2 months ago

    Fight for your perceived purpose in this world, my perceived purpose is the preservation of truth.

    The real truth is that being transgender is much more nuanced and complicated than “there’s men and women”. It’s a mental health issue, and the treatment for it happens to be to transition to match the gender your brain developed into. Because you have XX chromosomes doesn’t mean you can’t grow a man’s brain and vice-versa. Like come on those people don’t even recognize themselves as themselves in the mirror because of gender dysphoria. Who would wish that on anyone?

    And that’s it, it’s that simple. All it costs other people is to not be assholes about it.

    Everything people fear with their transphobia is that, phobia, fear that’s not based in reality or vastly disproportional to reality. Trans people aren’t there to take over and make cis people illegal, they’re not there to make your cis kids trans, they’re not there to trap you into having gay sex. They just want the same basic respect everyone else gets. Conservatives fear that because that’s how their conservative agendas work: gaslight people into “it’s not that bad” and then proceed to strip as many people’s rights as they can. There is no trans agenda, just like there’s never been a gay agenda. Nobody but cis straight usually white republicans are out there trying to convert everyone to their religion and version of reality.

    It’s pretty clear cut too. If you give hormones to a cisgender person, they’ll start experiencing the same kind of mental distress as a trans person until you reverse it back. Thus, even if they wanted to, they couldn’t “groom” cis kids into becoming trans kids. It just doesn’t work that way. Some end up trying it and quickly realize they aren’t trans and that answers their question right there. That’s why we use puberty blockers for kids: if they change their mind they’re only like a year or two behind on puberty and that’s the end of it. Those are used by a wide variety of non-gender related growth issues too, for decades. Just try it yourself: try to imagine yourself as if you woke up the opposite gender. If it freaks you out, congratulations you’re cis. That’s what trans people feel until they transition.

    Actually smart people care about much more important issues, because trans people aren’t and never have been an issue. The affordability crisis is much, much more important than oppressing a group of people that literally doesn’t cause any problem to anyone except bigots who just make up whatever nonsense reason to hate them.

    • souless@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Sorry bud, silencing my voice was submission that you can’t beat it. You lost the battle let it rest.