If they can find a way to block student loan forgiveness they’ll find a way to stop this. Just need to get it in front of the SC and it’ll be squashed.
You still have the freedom to not vote. However you have to go to a polling station and get your name marked off but no-one can force you to write on the piece of paper.
Because mandatory anything is spun as an attack on our freedoms, and our generally-undereducated masses eat it up.
We could probably spin it around and give a tiny tax break for those who vote. It’ll still definitely get attacked though.
Now you’re talking!
Yeah. It’ll be presented as unnacceptable to us temporarily-embarassed-billionaires.
If they can find a way to block student loan forgiveness they’ll find a way to stop this. Just need to get it in front of the SC and it’ll be squashed.
Make tax refunds and all tax write-offs contingent on proving you voted. >:D
You still have the freedom to not vote. However you have to go to a polling station and get your name marked off but no-one can force you to write on the piece of paper.