This is paraphrasing and may need fact checking. However from what I’ve seen of the situation in America this can have a greater than 50% mortality rate, affects humans cats and other animals, and is spreading through cows. It seems to be global however Australia seems to be one of the few places still free of it so far.

If we get an outbreak here it’s going to be similar to covid with the masks and disinfection, with the added recommendation of eye protection, and the issue of it affecting the safety of eggs and milk.

It doesn’t seem to pass from human to human yet? But while we seem to be in the clear for now, let’s watch our butts just in case that flip occurs and it gets over here on people or migrating birds.

It could be really sensible to do things like keep chickens and pet birds away from wild birds, wash hands after handling birds, use masks, be careful of having bird feeders, keep cats inside to not hunt birds… you know. Just use caution.