Half of all renters in the US make major, long-lasting sacrifices to afford housing. A basic failing of US capitalism. Many millions suffer so a small minority - landlords - profit. The system is the problem.
Source: https://twitter.com/profwolff/status/1776718498519003278
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My solution,
- determine the median quarterly rent within a state
- Minimum wage is the lowest value rounded to the next highest $100 where that median rent amounts to no more than 35% of it.
- people are hired for the week and paid at the end of it, a nominal rate of pay for up to 32 hours of work, 2.5* that is added on for between 32 and 48 hours of work, and between 48 and 64 hours of work earns you an additional sum of 2.5* the overtime rate, meaning overtime is more expensive than staffing appropriately, exponentially so if you’re really pushing it
- holiday hours count towards the weekly total but working a holiday nets a whole extra week of pay for the worker who came in on that holiday, yes even if they themselves don’t observe it personally.
- St. Monday is back from the dead! Mondays are now the third weekend day.
Landlords can always charge more. The government needs to under cut them by providing affordable public housing with affordable rent or financing.
The government is obligated to provide public housing, they don’t even have to be free, just sensibly priced.